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E-NEWS FROM JEFF BLAYLOCK January 24, 2002 ***Please do not respond to this e-mail unless you have questions or need additional information. If you need to reply, be sure to reply to sender only.*** ELECTRIC OVERSIGHT HEARING SET The Electric Utility Restructuring Legislative Oversight Committee will meet on Tuesday, February 5, 2002, in Capitol Extension E1.036, the Senate Finance Committee hearing room, beginning at 9 a.m. The committee will hear invited testimony related to the progress of the transition to a competitive retail electric market. An agenda will be released as soon as it is available. The oversight committee is comprised of Rep. Wolens and Sen. Fraser, co-chairmen; Representatives Brimer, Counts, Danburg, S. Turner and Senators Bivins, Madla, Nelson, and Whitmire, members. Additional members of the House State Affairs and Senate Business and Commerce committees may be in attendance. ****************** E-News from Jeff Blaylock is provided as a courtesy to keep interested parties informed of House State Affairs Committee activities. It is an informal method of notification and should not be construed as an official announcement from the House of Representatives, the Committee on State Affairs, or its Chairman. Formal announcements made pursuant to House rules can be found on the House Web site, the committee's Web page, on posting boards throughout the Capitol, at the hearing room on the date of the hearing, and at the committee office just before and after a hearing date. You have received this message because you asked to be placed on the E-News from Jeff Blaylock distribution list or your e-mail address was referred by another recipient. If you received this message in error or would like to be removed from the distribution list, please reply to this e-mail. ****************** Jeff Blaylock Chief Committee Clerk (512) 463-0814 Fax 463-6783jeff.blaylock_hc@house.state.tx.us State Affairs Committee Web page:http://www.house.state.tx.us/house/commit/c450.htm Electric Utility Restructuring Legislative Oversight Committee Web page:http://www.senate.state.tx.us/75r/senate/commit/c850/c850.htm