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Date:Fri, 1 Feb 2002 10:07:17 -0800 (PST)

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=09[IMAGE]=09FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 01, 2001 =09=09
CONTENTS Cover Stories Daily Briefing Investing Global Business Techn=
ology Small Biz B-Schools Careers [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] This Week [IMAGE]February 11Table of Contents COVER STORY =
IBM'S NEW BOSS How do you follow an act like Lou Gerstner's? That's the $86=
billion question for Sam Palmisano, who on March 1 becomes IBM's eighth CE=
O. Despite a disappointing fourth quarter, the service-heavy model that Ger=
stner built is the envy of techdom. Still, Palmisano, the operations whiz w=
hom Gerstner has long depended on, faces daunting challenges. PCs, disk dri=
ves, and chips are problems. Consulting is slowing. And some wonder whether=
Palmisano has an overarching vision for IBM. **Available to subscribers =
Available to all readers (Monday, February 4, 2002) SPECIAL REPORT: =
**6 KEY QUESTIONS FOR A FRAGILE WORLD As the U.S. uses its power in new wa=
ys, the tremors will be felt from Europe to Asia. Some key issues: What kin=
d of superpower will America be? How will the global economy be affected? W=
hat is Moscow's new role? Has Europe lost its clout? How does China play it=
s hand? And will the Arab world ever change? Available to all readers =
ERON WATCH: ENRON'S MISSING MAN Did Jeff Skilling, the ex-CEO who created=
its in-your-face culture, push subordinates to break laws to hide years of=
bad investments? **Available to subscribers Available to all reader=
s (Monday, February 4, 2002) [IMAGE] **Remember, only subscribers can se=
e the entire issue. Selected stories are available to nonsubscribers on Mo=
nday. Want to become a subscriber? It's so easy, all you have to do to get=
started is go to http://www.businessweek.com/register.htm [IMAGE] SEAR=
CH PAST ISSUES OF BW Free for subscribers only -- FIVE YEARS of Business =
Week magazine. [IMAGE] BONUS: THE BW 50 The 50 best companies in the S?50=
0. Plus: In-depth info on all 500, extra stories, interactive scoreboards,=
videos, tools, and more -- [IMAGE] Here are BW Online highlights from th=
is week: DAILY BRIEFING 01/31 -- NEWS ANALYSIS An Abrupt About-Face by=
Accountants Their trade group will no longer oppose new rules that woul=
d force a separation of consulting and auditing for the same client 01/31=
-- NEWS ANALYSIS Pakistan Cripples the Money Movers As it stamps out th=
e age-old hawala system of unrecorded international currency transfers, th=
e country's economy stands to gain 01/31 -- AFFAIRS OF STATE Sorting Mil=
itary Spending from Squandering Here are some key things to watch for in =
the huge defense-budget boost that Bush is requesting 01/31 -- NEWS AN=
ALYSIS Why Merck's Spin-Off Is No Cure Shedding its pharmacy-benefits un=
it doesn't address the company's real problem: A weak pipeline of new drug=
s 01/31 -- WASHINGTON WATCH The Federal Budget Mess Made Simple Can't ge=
t your mind around those humongous numbers? Here's a more familiar way of =
looking at Washington's dire money situation [IMAGE] SPEND SOME QUALITY=
TIME WITH YOUR MONEY Watch BusinessWeek TV , a weekly personal finance =
program that follows money from Wall Street to Main Street: Making it, inve=
sting it, and even spending it. Check your local listings for station and e=
xact time. [IMAGE] INVESTING 01/31 -- ECONOMIC INSIGHT The Rate-Cut E=
xpress Takes a Rest After a year of relentless easing, Greenspan & Co. is=
finally ready to sit back and watch for a spell 01/31 -- ASK THE ANALYS=
T Ahead of the Curve David Braverman on S&P's top sector and stock picks=
to play the turnaround -- and corporate earnings in the post-Enron world =
01/31 -- STREET WISE Cox: Flying High -- and Solo? Though speculation =
is rife that the cable company will find a partner, don't bet on it. It se=
ems to be doing fine on its own [IMAGE] BW 50 SCREENER CONTEST WINNER An=
d the Winner Is... Colin Chellman's investing strategy of sticking to ener=
gy and consumer-oriented stocks made him the winner of our BW 50 portfolio=
o's New Dream of Olympic Glory Host to the '84 Winter Games, the city was=
pounded in Yugoslavia's ethnic war. Now, it's using a 2010 bid as a cause=
to rally around 01/30 -- REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK Franc-ly, the French Don'=
t Give a Damn The predicted outpouring of Gallic grief at the currency's =
demise hasn't happened. Instead, an eager nation is lining up for euros =
01/29 -- EYE ON JAPAN A Grudge Match for Japan and Korea There's not ev=
en a sporting chance that co-hosting this year's World Cup soccer games wi=
ll see these traditional enemies forgive and forget [IMAGE] TECHNOLOGY =
02/04 -- TECHNOLOGY & YOU Big-Screen Just Got a Lot Better Projectors ar=
en't just for slides anymore. Home-theater enthusiasts as well as road war=
riors will find that the latest are worth a look 01/31 -- COMPANY CLOSEUP=
Accused Ebay Hacker Put on Electronic Leash A federal judge rules that =
Jerome Heckenkamp can go home, but under tighter anti-computer restriction=
s and close electronic monitoring 01/29 -- TECHNOLOGY & YOU Dear Microso=
ft: Make It Stop, Please! Those incessant and infuriating dialog boxes in=
the Office X trial version that keep nagging me to buy just cost you a cu=
stomer Plus, you'll find daily coverage of the rapidly changing world o=
f e-business at http://ebiz.businessweek.comBW e.biz offers exclusive an=
alysis, commentary, and Web-site reviews every day. Visit often!UPCOMING C=
ONFERENCES[IMAGE]The 11th Annual BusinessWeek Forum of Chief Financial Offi=
cers:Best Financial Practices For A New Era Of Risk[IMAGE]April 24 - 26, 20=
02 Four Seasons Resort Aviara Carlsbad, CA [IMAGE][IMAGE]Don't miss the for=
um's closing keynote address given by the world's most important and influe=
ntial management thinker, Peter F. Drucker. The originator of groundbreakin=
g concepts that are foundations of modern management, he has been a publish=
ed author since 1938. Mr. Drucker has been on the faculty of several colleg=
es and universities and is currently Clarke Professor of Social Science and=
Management at Claremont Graduate School.Other early confirmed speakers inc=
lude:[IMAGE] Robert Bowden, Senior Vice President, Mergers and Acquisitions=
Division, American International Companies Roger E. Brinner, Partner and C=
hief Economist, The Parthenon Group Jim Collins, Author, Good to GreatMurra=
y Demo, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Adobe Systems, I=
nc.Rajiv Dutta, Chief Financial Officer, eBay Inc.Denise K. Fletcher, Execu=
tive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, MasterCard InternationalJ=
effrey O. Henley, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Ora=
cle CorporationJeffery M. Jackson, Executive Vice President and Chief Finan=
cial Officer, Sabre Inc.Michael Kutschenreuter, Chief Financial Officer and=
Member of the Group Board, Information and Communications Network, Siemens=
AGRaymond J. Lane, General Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers; form=
er President and Chief Operating Officer, Oracle CorporationArthur Levitt, =
former Chairman, Securities and Exchange CommissionMichael J. Mandel, Econo=
mics Editor, BusinessWeekRichard T. Roth, Managing Director, Hackett Benchm=
arking & Research, a division of Answerthink, Inc.Earl Shanks, Senior Vice =
President and Chief Financial Officer, NCR CorporationSarah Teslik, Executi=
ve Director, Council of Institutional Investors[IMAGE]For more information,=
please visit our website at http://www.conferences.businessweek.com . Reg=
ister online today and use code CFO-BWN. If you have any questions please c=
all (212) 512-4006 or email at cfo2002@businessweek.com . [IMAGE] [IMAG=
owhere to Go but Up" It's been a long wait, but there are definite signs =
that VCs are finally opening their wallets once again 01/29 -- SMART ANS=
WERS Reading the Tea Leaves Like any small specialty store, a tea room r=
equires comprehensive planning, especially when it comes to estimating sta=
rtup costs 01/28 -- IN BOX The Rewards of Unconventional Wisdom You ca=
n deal with problems by embracing the same solutions as your rivals -- or =
you can think harder and find opportunity in adversity FORUMS Small Busi=
ness Forum Join the discussion? A reader outlines how factoring your rec=
eivables can be a great way to increase cash flow. What do you think? Chec=
k out the Financing Your Business folder [IMAGE] B-SCHOOLS 01/24 -- TH=
E PRINCETON REVIEW Application Game Plans (for all personality types) =
01/24 -- CHAT TRANSCRIPT A Chat with Michigan's Admissions Director Dire=
ctor of MBA Admissions Kristina Nebel and second-year student Christopher =
Schwalbach with tips on making the cut at the University of Michigan Busine=
ss School CAREER MOVES EMBA Profiles & Rankings BusinessWeek's first Ex=
ecutive MBA rankings in a decade grade 35 programs worldwide. The 2001 ran=
kings are based on surveys of over 3,000 graduates of 82 B-schools, as wel=
l as a poll of EMBA directors at those 82 schools. Scan 161 profiles of EM=
BA programs to determine which is right for you B-SCHOOL CALENDAR Busine=
ssWeek Online's New Tool will give you an idea of upcoming events at B-sc=
hools in the U.S. and around the world MBA JOURNALS Preparing for B-Scho=
ol In this new series, 11 first-year students discuss the B-school orien=
tation process B-SCHOOL FORUMS Join Today! Visit BW Online's interacti=
ve forums for wide-ranging discussions about management education. Search =
through OVER 228,000 POSTS for topics that interest you [IMAGE] CAREERS =
01/23 -- ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY Bringing the Blind into the Workplace =
Hiring those with visual impairments is as much a matter of having the rig=
ht attitude as it is having the right technology 01/14 -- ASK CAREERS =
Moving Up to Management Going from one of the gang to leader of the pack =
is a tricky step. Here's advice on selling your ability to do so ASK CAR=
EERS Have a question about your career or workplace issues? E-mail us at: =
askcareers@businessweek.com Please include your real name and phone number=
in case we need more information. If we answer your question, only your i=
nitials and city will be printed. [IMAGE] SEARCH BUSINESSWEEK.COM Search=
our ENTIRE SITE for all free content, including Daily Briefing, BW e.biz=
, Small Business, and the Best B-Schools. You'll find our search function =
in the light-blue bar at the top of nearly every screen on the site See =
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