Enron Mail

To:rms@ercot.com, rmsvote@ercot.com, wms@ercot.com, wmsvote@ercot.com,set@ercot.com, testplan@ercot.com, tdtwg@ercot.com
Subject:REMINDER - DEADLINE For Letter of Intent - Retail Market
Date:Tue, 5 Feb 2002 09:45:17 -0800 (PST)

Cc: clientreps@ercot.com, waggoner@enron.com, twaggoner@ercot.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Bcc: clientreps@ercot.com, waggoner@enron.com, twaggoner@ercot.com
X-From: "Bergman, Karen" <kbergman@ercot.com<@ENRON
X-To: 1 2002 RMS and others(Retail Market Sub.) <rms@ercot.com<, 1 2002 RMS Voting Members (Retail Market Sub.) <rmsvote@ercot.com<, 1 2002 WMS and others(Wholesale Market Sub.) <wms@ercot.com<, 1 2002 WMS Voting Members(Wholesale Market Issues Sub.) <wmsvote@ercot.com<, 1 Standard Electronic Transactions <set@ercot.com<, 1 Texas Test Plan Team <testplan@ercot.com<, 1 Texas Data Transport WG <tdtwg@ercot.com<
X-cc: 1 ERCOT Client Service Reps <clientreps@ercot.com<, Waggoner, Terri <twaggoner@ercot.com<
X-Folder: \ExMerge - Gilbert-smith, Doug\Inbox
X-FileName: doug gilbert smith 6-25-02.PST

Good morning -

This email has been sent to the following lists, I apologize if
you received this notice multiple times.

All CRs registered with ERCOT
All CRs registered with PUCT
1 2002 RMS and others
1 2002 RMS vote
1 2002 WMS and others
1 2002 WMS vote
1 Standard Electronic Transactions
1 Texas Test Plan Team
1 Texas Data Transport WG
Muni / Coop distribution (same used for 1/30/02 workshop

So far, ERCOT has received RSVPs from 7 potential new Market
Participants, and 4 current Market Participants who are planning to
enter into new TDSP territories.

Per the calendar for this flight of testing,
Letter of Intent Due: Deadline for letter of intent to be received by
ERCOT from new participants intending to test in Flight V1.4F2 by 2/7/02

Thank you to those MP who have already RSVP'd for the meeting on 2/7.
If you are still planning to attend, please RSVP to Karen Bergman by end
of business today 2/5/02.

If questions, please call or email.

Karen Bergman
Senior Client Services Representative

original notice -

Good afternoon,

A Retail Market Qualification Testing Pre-Orientation meeting will be
held on Thursday, February 7 from 9:00 am - 12:00 noon. The location of
the meeting is the Austin Hilton Hotel (see attached link for
information -

The meeting will be hosted by ERCOT and conducted by the ITPTA. It is
strongly recommended that new market participants that intend to
participate in the V1.4F2 flight of testing, attend this meeting. This
includes any Market Participant that has not participated in previous
Retail Market testing, or a current Market Participant who wishes to be
certified with new trading partners.
? New CRs entering the Market or Muni-Coops - opting in under version
? CRs entering new territories

The meeting will be primarily focused on Market Testing Requirements for
the next flight of testing currently scheduled to start February 28,
2002. For a complete schedule - please review this link -

We encourage Market Participants to send at least one representative
from their business organization AND at least one representative from
their technical organization.

We will familiarize you with the following:
Overview of Retail Market Qualification Testing Process
Connectivity and Standards Requirements for New Market Participants,
including GISB, FTP, and TX SET.
Flight v1.4F2 testing Plan, including Timeline
TDSP Territory Requirements
Basic Questions and Answers

Please RSVP to Karen Bergman (kbergman@ercot.com) with name, company
name and number of attendees. The RSVP is due by Monday, Feb. 4th.

Thank you,
Karen Bergman
Senior Client Services Representative

In addition, this information will be posted to the ERCOT website, under
Texas Retail Testing (http://www.ercot.com/Participants/ITPTA.htm)

This email has been sent to the following lists, I apologize if you
received this notice multiple times.

All CR registered with ERCOT
All CR registered with PUCT
1 2002 RMS and others
1 2002 RMS vote
1 2002 WMS and others
1 2002 WMS vote
1 Standard Electronic Transactions
1 Texas Test Plan Team
1 Texas Data Transport WG
Muni / Coop distribution (same used for 1/30/02 workshop notification)