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---------------------- Forwarded by Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT on 10/09/2000
11:18 AM --------------------------- "hollyw" <hollyw@email.msn.com< on 10/09/2000 11:06:13 AM To: "Stan & Katie Wright" <stanchas@aol.com<, "Ron Jones" <jonesr@tpi-sourcing.com<, "Rochelle Smith" <rochelle@waterengineers.com<, "Raymond Paterson" <ray_paterson@hotmail.com<, "Nicol, Gary" <nicolg@bp.com<, "KRISTI GIRON" <KRISTI.GIRON@cfisd.net<, "Jim Henness \(E-mail\)" <jhennes@c2i2.com<, "Emory & Joanne Peddicord" <epeddi1254@cs.com<, "Charlene Anderson" <foxter@rionet.com.br<, "Darron C Giron" <Darron.C.Giron@enron.com<, "Stacy Warren" <swarre02@coair.com< cc: Subject: Fw: Al Gore's 21 Lies Dad'll love this. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Miller" <jraggie1@pdq.net< To: "Wayne Duncan" <Wayneduncan@hotmail.com<; "Tom Svec" <tsvec@generalwelding.com<; "Steve Schmidt" <sschmidt@urjet.net<; "Randy T. Rogers" <rrogers@wbctx.com<; "Pete Miller" <pmiller@fciconnect.com<; "Paul Heidaker" <pheidak@yahoo.com<; "Pat Duncan" <wpduncanjr@aol.com<; "Mike. W. Sowden" <Mike.W.Sowden@supervalu.com<; "Mike Vineyard" <qcgi@qualitec.com<; "Michael Murr" <Michael.Murr@COMPAQ.com<; "Mcintyre" <mcintyre@tca.net<; "Julie Paxton" <JuKaPa129@aol.com<; "Jimmy Martin" <Jimmy.Martin@COMPAQ.com<; "Jim Lawler" <wb365@email.msn.com<; "Jesse Khangura" <jskhangura@msn.com<; "Janey Sowden" <janebarb@aol.com<; "Holly Wright" <hollyw@email.msn.com<; "Gene Stpierre" <Gene.Stpierre@COMPAQ.com<; "Fred Valente" <fvalente@micro.ti.com<; "Danny A Dequeant" <Danny.Dequeant@cmcsg.com<; "Chris Strong" <cstrong@strongpointe.net<; "Cheryl Sparkman" <cheryl@keystoneexec.com<; "Carla Preston" <cdspreston@earthlink.net<; "AKoebig" <AKoebig@aol.com<; "A. J. Sowden" <ASowden@aol.com< Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 10:16 AM Subject: FW: Al Gore's 21 Lies < < < -----Original Message----- < From: Reid Harmon [mailto:reid@gsihighway.com] < Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 8:58 AM < To: 'Harmon, Kim'; 'Bechstein, Edwin'; 'Bridger Spence'; 'Brown, Mark'; < 'Brzymialkiewicz ,Cindy'; 'Clay, Dan'; 'Conway, Mike'; 'Davis, C. Pat'; < 'Durain, Larry - SALES'; 'Fulbright, E.B.'; 'Giuffre, Richard'; 'Hance, < Laddie'; 'Holt, Bill'; 'Jacobus, Ben'; 'Jim Miller'; 'Margie McCain'; < 'Mathey, Steve'; 'Moss, Steve'; 'Musgrove, Vickie'; 'Patton, Keith'; < 'Persall, Charles'; 'Richard Lytle'; 'Rose, Bob - SALES'; 'Schaub, < Michael'; 'SPENCEDMS@aol.com'; 'Stateler, Sharon'; 'Stephanie < Castleschouldt'; 'Turner, Jo'; 'Tuttle, Wally'; 'WAYNE WEAVER'; < 'Weathersbee, Tommy'; 'Williams, John' < Subject: FW: Al Gore's 21 Lies < < < < < < < Subject: Al Gore's 21 Lies < < < Reprinted from the Internet News Bureau article "Al Gore's 21 Lies" < DO WE REALLY NEED ANOTHER PATHOLOGICAL LIAR FOR PRESIDENT? < FICTION: Al Gore recently claimed that his mother-in-law pays more than < $100.00 for the arthritis medicine Lodine; and he claims that his < dog < takes the same medicine for $37.00, claiming "This is wrong!" < < FACT: Gore's aides were quick to apologize for Gore's lie, saying the < information was from a Democratic study. Washington newspapers also < reported that Al Gore wasn't even sure his mother-in-law was taking < any < medication and wasn't even sure she had arthritis. And, he doesn't < know anything about his dog's "arthritis". < < FICTION: Al Gore said his father, a senator, was a champion of civil < rights during the 1960's. < < FACT: Gore's father voted against the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 < and was a racist who was fond of using the "N" word. < < FICTION: Al Gore said that his sister was the very first person to join < the Peace Corps. < < FACT: By the time Gore's sister joined the Peace Corps, there were < already over 100 members. < < FICTION: The same sister died of lung cancer years later and Gore vowed < to never accept tobacco money as campaign contributions. < < FACT: Just four years later, while campaigning for office, Gore spoke < to the tobacco industry and said he was one of them because "I've < planted < it,raised it, cut it, and dried it." He raised over $100,000 in < "reported" < contributions. < < FICTION: While running for office, Gore's campaign literature claimed he < was a "Brilliant Student". < < FACT: Washington newspapers said he barely passed Harvard and < consistently earned D's and C's. < < FICTION: Gore claims an extensive knowledge of law as a result of his < extensive study at law school. < < FACT: Al Gore dropped out of law school. < < FICTION: Gore claimed that his knowledge of God and spirituality came to < complete fruition while "finishing" divinity school. < < FACT: Al Gore dropped out of divinity school. < < FICTION: Al Gore claimed responsibility for inventing the Internet in < the 1990's. < < FACT : Shocked scientists were quick to speak out, explaining that the < Internet had been in widespread use by government and educational < institutions since the early 1970's. < < FICTION: Al Gore claimed the book "Love Story" was based on his life and < Tipper's. < < FACT: Author Erich Segal called a press conference to deny his claim. < (Couldn't he at least lie about a love story where his sweetheart < doesn't die?") < < FICTION : Gore claimed that as a reporter for a Nashville newspaper, his < stories led to the arrests of numerous corrupt criminals. < < FACT: He later apologized for his claim and actually said it was untrue < (Also known as lying). < < FICTION: Gore claims to increase diversity in the staff that follows him < daily, especially among blacks. < < FACT: Black members of the Secret Service are suing because they claim < they are not being promoted to positions guarding the < Vice-President. < < FICTION: Al Gore said he was the first to discover the Love Canal < nuclear accident. < < FACT: The incident was already discovered, being investigated, and < covered widely in the press for many months before Gore was aware of < it. < < FICTION: Gore said just recently that if elected president, he would put < harsh sanctions on the sleazy producers of Hollywood's extreme sex < and < violence. < < FACT: Just six days later, Gore attended a fundraiser by Hollywood < producers and radical gay activists where he told them that he would < < only pretend to "nudge them" if elected. He raised over $4 million. < < FICTION: Al Gore said he built his Tennessee home with his bare hands. < < FACT : Totally false! < < FICTION: Al Gore says parents should not have a choice between private < and public schools because public schools are far better. < < FACT : Al Gore attended private school and he has sent his children to < private schools. < < FICTION: Al Gore remembers his mother lulling him to sleep as a baby by < singing the popular ditty, "Wear The Union Label". < < FACT: The popular ditty was created by the unions when Gore was 27 years < old. < < FICTION: Al Gore claimed to co-sponsor the McCain-Feingold Campaign < Reform Act. < < FACT: The Act was not sponsored until he had been out of office for < over a year. < < FICTION: Al Gore claims to be instrumental in keeping gas prices low. < < FACT: Gore has voted on numerous occasions to raise the tax on gasoline. < In his book "Earth In The Balance" Gore claims that the nation's < Number < One enemy is the internal combustion engine. (That's the motor in < your < vehicle that gets you to work and takes your kids to school) < < FICTION: Gore pretends to champion the rights of poor women to be tested < regularly for breast cancer with the most modern technology. < < FACT: While giving a speech on the subject in September, Gore didn't < know what a mammogram was. < < FICTION: AL Gore promised Florida's senior citizens that they would < finally have low-cost drugs with no interference from government. < < FACT: Gore's plan calls for the creation of a huge federal agency that < would tell you which doctor you are allowed to see in order to get < the < "special rates". < < FACT: Al Gore told NBC's Lisa Meyers that he had never told a lie. When < Meyers pressed harder, "You've never told a lie?!" Gore said, "Not < that < I know of." SOUND FAMILIAR? <