Enron Mail

To:smmayers@earthlink.net, mark.ebert@broadwing.com, kristi.giron@cfisd.net,hollyw@email.msn.com, dawn.kenne@enron.com
Subject:Understanding the Difference between Democrats and Compassionate
Date:Fri, 26 Jan 2001 06:27:00 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: Darron C Giron
X-To: smmayers@earthlink.net, mark.ebert@broadwing.com, kristi.giron@cfisd.net, hollyw@email.msn.com, Dawn C Kenne
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---------------------- Forwarded by Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT on 01/26/2001
02:26 PM ---------------------------

Greg Couch
01/26/2001 02:22 PM
To: Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phillip M Love/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jason
Wolfe/NA/Enron@ENRON, Rahmaan Mwongozi/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Understanding the Difference between Democrats and Compassionate
Conservative Republicans

For your enjoyment...
---------------------- Forwarded by Greg Couch/HOU/ECT on 01/26/2001 02:21 PM

"Vance, Norman" <NVance@hess.com< on 01/26/2001 02:01:48 PM
To: "'Greg Couch'" <Greg.Couch@enron.com<
Subject: Understanding the Difference between Democrats and Compassionate
Conservative Republicans

This author of this little story should go to Washington.

"A Republican and a Democrat were walking down the street when they came to
a homeless person. The republican gave the homeless person his business card
and told him to come to his business for a job. He then took twenty dollars
out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person.

The Democrat was very impressed, and when they came to another homeless
person, he decided to help.
He walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the welfare
office. He then reached into the Republican's pocket and gave him fifty

It may be hard for some people to figure out the real differences between
Democrats and Republicans, and this little story says it all.