Enron Mail

To:c..giron@enron.com, dale.neuner@enron.com, jennifer.denny@enron.com,e-mail <.frank@enron.com<, e-mail <.dawn@enron.com<, e-mail <.holly@enron.com<, e-mail <.lori@enron.com<, stephanie.sever@enron.com, lorraine.becker@enron.com, mechelle.stevens@enro
Subject:FW: Enron made the big time
Date:Thu, 24 Jan 2002 14:40:48 -0800 (PST)

This is the funniest thing I have heard yet...... turn up the volume!!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Earnest, Scott
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 4:31 PM
To: Thomas, Sheri; Earnest, Lanette
Subject: FW: Enron made the big time

-----Original Message-----
From: Swinney, John
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 4:27 PM
To: Sharma, Shifali; Flahaven, Julie; Earnest, Scott; Daw, Nicki; Boudreau, Kara
Subject: FW: Enron made the big time

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew.A.Brown@CenterPointEnergy.com@ENRON
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 4:14 PM
To: mdbrown281@kingwoodcable.com; Sweeney, Kevin; Groves, Eric; Fondren, Mark; dirwin@cisco.com; Swinney, John; Prejean, Frank; jhyberg@hcch.com; spbrown12@hotmail.com
Subject: FW: Enron made the big time

enjoy, it's pretty funny

----- Forwarded by Matthew A Brown/TXPG on 01/24/2002 04:12 PM -----

Michael P
Brennan To: Matthew A Brown/TXPG@HouInd
01/24/2002 Subject: FW: Enron made the big time
03:58 PM

----- Forwarded by Michael P Brennan/TXPG on 01/24/2002 03:54 PM -----

"Plemons, Melanie
O." To: "'Cindy'" <cindy.hyser@altra.com<, "'Gabina @ Work'"
<MPLEMONS@mariner-e <wilmgb@bp.com<, "'Gary'" <gary.pyron@totalfinaelf.com<, "'Jeannie
nergy.com< @ Work'" <jalonzo@upstream-energy.com<, "'JJ@Work'"
<jjimerson@kimballresources.com<, "'Julie @ Home'"
01/24/2002 03:24 PM <jamcgowen@yahoo.com<, "'Karen White'"
<kwhite@kimballresources.com<, "'Lynn'" <lloving625@aol.com<,
"'Lu'" <lmartell@coral-energy.com<, "'Martha @ Work'"
<martha.weston@eaglegl.com<, "Calaway, Maureen"
<MCALAWAY@mariner-energy.com<, "'Mike'"
<michael_p_brennan@reliantenergy.com<, "'Shari'"
<skasbill@duke-energy.com<, "'Tom McCord'" <tmccord@teainc.org<
Subject: FW: Enron made the big time

(See attached file: Enron-Ron-Ron.mp3)

- Enron-Ron-Ron.mp3