Enron Mail

To:kam.keiser@enron.com, m..love@enron.com, scott.palmer@enron.com,c..giron@enron.com, john.valdes@enron.com, errol.mclaughlin@enron.com
Subject:FW: Monday 01/28 - Status report of integration testing, remaining,
Date:Mon, 28 Jan 2002 08:46:28 -0800 (PST)

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X-To: Keiser, Kam </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Kkeiser<, Love, Phillip M. </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Plove<, Palmer, B. Scott </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Spalmer<, Giron, Darron C. </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Dgiron<, Valdes, John </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Jvaldes<, McLaughlin Jr., Errol </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Emclaug<
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Just an update on the testing front... O=20
-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Regan M.=20
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 10:35 AM
To: Allen, Thresa A.; Anderson, Bridgette; Anderson, Diane; Aucoin, Evelyn;=
Baker, Natalie; Baxter, Bryce; Bentley, Corry; Bowen, Bob; Brackett, Debbi=
e R.; Campos, Anthony; Campos, Sylvia A.; Dahlke, Andrea; Dawes, Cheryl; De=
nny, Jennifer; Denton, Rhonda L.; Dupuy, Mark; Elledge, Susan; Engel, Tom; =
Evans, Casey; Garcia, Clarissa; Gillis, Brian; Hare, Bill D.; Hayden, Frank=
; Heal, Kevin; Hunter, Larry Joe; Huntley, Kelley; Jaquet, Tammy; Kenne, Da=
wn C.; Lozano, Melba; Mcginnis, Stephanie; McLaughlin Jr., Errol; Meredith,=
Kevin; Murphy, Melissa; Price, Wade R.; Reeves, Kathy; Robinson, Rhonda; R=
odriguez, Bernice; Schield, Elaine; Schrab, Mark L.; Seib, Dianne; Severson=
, Russ; Spears, Christopher; Stevens, Mechelle; Sullivan, Patti; Sweitzer, =
Tara; Theriot, Kim S.; Vander velde, Nikole; Wallumrod, Ellen; Winfree, O'N=
eal D.; Wynne, Rita; Bharathi, Jaikishore; Boudreaux, Lori; Brewer, Charles=
; Chitradurga, Sundar; Cinelli, Steve; Clark, Cynthia; Fortney, Bill; Frank=
s, Shawn; Greig, Iain; Henry, Jane Hilburn; Hunter, Wade; Johnson, Jeff; Kr=
ishnaswamy, Jayant; Lim, Francis S.; Martinez, Bob; McKeel, Richard; Nolte,=
Ron; Pena, Matt; Poston, David; Powell, John D.; Ramesh, Ganapathy; Rao, R=
amesh; Saleem, Aftab; Sanvido, Terry; Schmidt, Mark; Schomer, Chris; Smith,=
Regan M.; Stock, Steve; Brockhan, Richard; Blaylock Jr., Samuel
Subject: Monday 01/28 - Status report of integration testing, remaining, ou=
tstanding issues, going forward

Everyone - updates from testing last week, and communication of information=
/ going forward.
Thanks to all involved in last weeks testing. Much has been accomplished. =
We did encounter a legal mandated 'test freeze' on Friday given a legal co=
mmunication came down to halt all data entry/ code changes, but as of Frida=
y evening, it was eventually lifted. Any unfinished testing can continue.
We've completed:
- Integration testing of 25 transaction type scenarios - from EOL entry, Si=
tara, TDS, Tagg. This includes the sample testing of scripts, and the end =
to end testing to SAP.
- EOL has sent 13 gas and 4 financial transactions through downstream syste=
- Over 50 integration issues identified and resolved! Majority were data s=
etup issues, but code changes were identified, incorrect hardware being use=
d, reports not running, start-up scripting issues resolved, replication iss=
ues resolved.
What's remaining to test and status:
1) EDI testing - Tammy Jaquet, Robert Virnau are expected to complete the E=
DI test by end of day today (01/28)
2) Financial Settlements/ EOL deals - Mechelle Stevens is completing her ve=
rification of EOL deals into Unify. Testing is expected to complete the ED=
I test by end of day today (01/28).
3) SAP testing - SAP is still in requirements analysis with regards to GL a=
ccount setup, profit centers. A meeting is scheduled for Wednesday afterno=
on with the UBS, SAP, Netco leads. SAP testing can be conducted between Un=
ify and within SAP once decisions are determined.
Any other issues we are not aware of, please advise.
Outstanding known issues:
1) Unify custom reports (SQR) not working. This was not part of integratio=
n test, but testing by Kelley Huntley on Friday resulted in failure. Infra=
structure expected to resolve by Monday noon.
2) There is some data setup that is being completed Monday morning and shou=
ld be complete by now.
Any other issues we are not aware of, please advise.
Going forward:
1) The Netco EOL (or new OLT?) team will be testing all week deals into Net=
co environments. You may see these in downstream systems.
2) Analysis of what estate data still resides in Netco, and what needs to b=
e there to go forward. Namely curve data for EnPower.
3) We will perform regression testing to determine if there are any cross d=
ependency of hardware. Testing scenarios include:
a) Application messaging that use Tibco (port, multi-cast addresses)
b) Estate execution with Netco hardware inactive
c) Netco execution with Estate hardware inactive
Notice/ FYI - All Netco (UBS) employee's LAN NT user-id's will be changed t=
o a new file server (anticipated Friday 02/01). =20
The impacts are mainly the O:\ drive, W:\ drive will be split between Estat=
e and Netco. All authorized (legal) data is being copied now to the new fi=
le servers.
For example, if Netco employees need specific files on the O:\ drive, if th=
ey are missing, they would have remained with estate. If you have files in=
progress, they
may missing the batch file copy which is occurring this week.
Updates to follow later this week!
Regan Smith=20
Energy Operations Systems=20
Enron Net Works=20
713-853-9291 (wk); 281-850-7551 (cell)=20
-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Regan M.=20
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 8:42 PM
To: Allen, Thresa A.; Anderson, Bridgette; Anderson, Diane; Aucoin, Evelyn;=
Baker, Natalie; Baxter, Bryce; Bentley, Corry; Bowen, Bob; Brackett, Debbi=
e R.; Campos, Anthony; Campos, Sylvia A.; Dahlke, Andrea; Dawes, Cheryl; De=
nny, Jennifer; Denton, Rhonda L.; Dupuy, Mark; Elledge, Susan; Engel, Tom; =
Evans, Casey; Garcia, Clarissa; Gillis, Brian; Hare, Bill D.; Hayden, Frank=
; Heal, Kevin; Hunter, Larry Joe; Huntley, Kelley; Jaquet, Tammy; Kenne, Da=
wn C.; Lozano, Melba; Mcginnis, Stephanie; McLaughlin Jr., Errol; Meredith,=
Kevin; Murphy, Melissa; Price, Wade R.; Reeves, Kathy; Robinson, Rhonda; R=
odriguez, Bernice; Schield, Elaine; Schrab, Mark L.; Seib, Dianne; Severson=
, Russ; Spears, Christopher; Stevens, Mechelle; Sullivan, Patti; Sweitzer, =
Tara; Theriot, Kim S.; Vander velde, Nikole; Wallumrod, Ellen; Winfree, O'N=
eal D.; Wynne, Rita; Bharathi, Jaikishore; Brewer, Charles; Chitradurga, Su=
ndar; Cinelli, Steve; Elwood, Richard; Fortney, Bill; Franks, Shawn; Greig,=
Iain; Henry, Jane Hilburn; Hunter, Wade; Johnson, Jeff; Lim, Francis S.; M=
artinez, Bob; McKeel, Richard; Nolte, Ron; Pena, Matt; Poston, David; Powel=
l, John D.; Ramesh, Ganapathy; Rao, Ramesh; Saleem, Aftab; Sanvido, Terry; =
Schmidt, Mark; Schomer, Chris; Smith, Regan M.; Stock, Steve; Clark, Cynthi=
a; Boudreaux, Lori
Subject: Status report of integration testing from Wednesday, Jan. 23rd ; a=
nd Thursday's continuation..

Status report of integration testing from Wednesday, Jan. 23rd=20
- (16 gas/ power types of transactions to test)
Overall, there were no infrastructure or major application issues. Unlike =
the prior testing, we've included many more gas transaction types and testi=
ng with all non-essential Netco data removed (aka baseline for Netco go-liv=
In today's test, we had numerous data setup related issues that resulted i=
n downtime (ie EOL- Dynegy information, TGP address information, bad credit=
counterparty/ contracts, or database issues with data sync/ replication).=
These were mainly attributed to the massive cleanup/ removal of data not=
needed. The remaining issues open are being addressed Wednesday night. =
Given the deferred 12:00pm to 2:00pm start time and data setup/ sync issues=
, we were unable to complete downstream processes (mainly Settlements, conf=
irmations, SAP).=20
Continuation of testing into Thursday
We are requesting the testers with tasks remaining to complete the script e=
xecution Thursday (morning shift and afternoon shifts given UBS offsite mee=
We will try to balance the testing activities given some will be out in the=
morning, and some in the afternoon. The bridgeline will be active from 9 =
- 5 for communication/ status.
RECAP of where testing left off for Netco and EOL entry.=20
---< NETCO Deal types (with Netco external gas/power (good & bad credit)
Financial All financial testing completed!
Wednesday =20
- Completed tasks: Deal Entry, settlement statement group setup, notif=
ication, EnPower deal load. Awaiting settlements drafting issue.
Thursday (remaining & status)
(1) DCAF testing ready
(2) Kelley Huntley to draft invoices after draft issue resolved.
- Completed tasks: Deal Entry in TDS, TAGG/ ERMS, Sitara. Port Calc
- (Chris Spears) - Transport - The TGP payment methods are now setup.
- (Clarissa Hanks) - Transport usage ticket for generic contract is se=
tup (Deal 20000082)
- ( Wade Price) - To draft invoices after confirmation of activity upst=
ream (pm)
- DCAF testing after confirmation of activity upstream=20
- Need to conduct the EDI test (Tammy Jaquet/ Robert Virnau)
---< EOL Deals (Dawn Kenne has confirmed 4 EOL deals were setup. 2 Gas, 2 =
Thursday's plans are to confirm the flow of these deals into Sitara, Tagg/=
EnPower. Followed by eventual confirmations, settlement through Unify and =
SAP. These are ready now for validation by Sitara/ Tagg/ EnPower.
Thanks to your continued involvement ...
Regan Smith=20
Energy Operations Systems=20
Enron Net Works=20
713-853-9291 (wk); 281-850-7551 (cell)=20