Enron Mail

To:kam.keiser@enron.com, c..giron@enron.com, m..love@enron.com,errol.mclaughlin@enron.com, scott.palmer@enron.com, john.valdes@enron.com, russ.severson@enron.com
Subject:FW: UPDATE: FW: 02-01-2002 Key Points
Date:Mon, 4 Feb 2002 06:52:35 -0800 (PST)

The messages below can better explain what's going on IT wise... O=20

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Qavi, Faheem =20
Sent:=09Monday, February 4, 2002 8:43 AM
To:=09Winfree, O'Neal D.
Subject:=09FW: UPDATE: FW: 02-01-2002 Key Points


=09Looks like they did not migrate the accounts over the weekend. We can t=
ry again tomorrow to migrate the Netco directory over to the Netco environm=
ent. Thanks.

Faheem A. Qavi
Enron Net Works
IT Security & Controls
* Faheem.Qavi@Enron.Com =20
( (713) 345-8338

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Martinez, Bob =20
Sent:=09Saturday, February 02, 2002 3:57 PM
To:=09Adamik, Darren; Andrews, Stephen; Ballmer, Charles; Barber, Michael; =
Behney, Chris; Beyer, Troy; Bode, Gary; Brennan, Ryan; Burgess, Simon; Cast=
rejana, Pete; Cheng, John; Coles, Frank; Cox, Paige; Croucher Jr., Mike; De=
leon, Roberto; Dietrich, Dan; Harrelson, Mike; James, Matthew; Jameson, Lan=
ce; Kachinski, Joe; Larkin, Brian; Le, Rick; Link, Kathy; Marcinkowski, Dan=
ielle; Matson, Randy; McNair, Darren; Qavi, Faheem; Ray, Edward; Setliff, J=
ohn; Shishido, Scott; Smith, Bruce; Staggs, Micah; Stevens, Wilford; Thelen=
, Todd; Van Arsdall, Leah
Cc:=09Cochinwala, Mustafa; Bucknell, Martin; Dopson, LaMetrice; Dziadek, Ke=
ith; Gubser, Marlin; McAuliffe, Bob
Subject:=09FW: UPDATE: FW: 02-01-2002 Key Points


Just in case you are not on the distribution list.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Henry, Jane Hilburn =20
Sent:=09Friday, February 01, 2002 2:27 PM
To:=09Stock, Steve; Johnson, Jeff; Schomer, Chris; Smith, Regan M.; Ballmer=
, Charles; Larkin, Brian; Newland, William; Patel, Piyush; Ward, Bob; Brewe=
r, Charles; Tang, Mable; Charbonnet, Clement; Matson, Randy; Nat, Steve; No=
mmensen, Dave; Merrell, Brad; Ogden, Arlene; Chitradurga, Sundar; Jia, Wins=
ton; Luu, Duong; Poston, David; Powell, John D.; Ramesh, Ganapathy; Rao, Ra=
mesh; Warner, John; Wei, Zhiyong; Dolan, Michael; Barber, Michael; Gubser, =
Marlin; Dziadek, Keith; Sanborn, Brandee; Sanvido, Terry; Constantine, Chri=
s; Pua, Cornelio; Wang, N. Jessie; Simpson, Stephen; Hall, Rich; Cheng, Joh=
n; Shishido, Scott; Saleem, Aftab; Krishnaswamy, Jayant; Brennan, Ryan; Pul=
licino, Marcus; Schmidt, Mark; Renaud, Todd; McNair, Darren; Qavi, Faheem; =
Deleon, Roberto; Beyer, Troy; James, Matthew; Martinez, Bob; Yanowski, Tomm=
y J.; Conley, Tom; Cinelli, Steve; McKeel, Richard; Harmon, Kenneth M.; Ste=
vens, Wilford; Smith, Bruce; Fortney, Bill; Wong, Jeremy; Lim, Francis S.; =
Yang, Sean; Dronet, David; Bharathi, Jaikishore; Sugrue, Jim; Setliff, John=
; Pena, Matt; Clark, Cynthia; D'Souza, Romeo; Ray, Edward; Burchfield, Rich=
ard; McAuliffe, Bob; Forster, David; Webb, Jay; Rub, Jenny
Cc:=09'steve.benton@ubsw.com'; 'bryan.thal@ubsw.com'; Meinel - UBS, Matt; '=
Subject:=09UPDATE: FW: 02-01-2002 Key Points

Legal was unable to produce the document needed for the data moves today. =
Looks like they are pushing for Monday; therefore, IT Infrastructure will n=
ot be converting the NetCo accounts over the weekend. =20

The new estimated delivery for logins will be Monday night sometime. We ca=
n discuss this issue in further detail at Monday's 9:00.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Henry, Jane Hilburn =20
Sent:=09Friday, February 01, 2002 12:13 PM
To:=09Stock, Steve; Johnson, Jeff; Schomer, Chris; Smith, Regan M.; Ballmer=
, Charles; Larkin, Brian; Newland, William; Patel, Piyush; Ward, Bob; Brewe=
r, Charles; Tang, Mable; Charbonnet, Clement; Matson, Randy; Nat, Steve; No=
mmensen, Dave; Merrell, Brad; Ogden, Arlene; Chitradurga, Sundar; Jia, Wins=
ton; Luu, Duong; Poston, David; Powell, John D.; Ramesh, Ganapathy; Rao, Ra=
mesh; Warner, John; Wei, Zhiyong; Dolan, Michael; Barber, Michael; Gubser, =
Marlin; Dziadek, Keith; Sanborn, Brandee; Sanvido, Terry; Constantine, Chri=
s; Pua, Cornelio; Wang, N. Jessie; Simpson, Stephen; Hall, Rich; Cheng, Joh=
n; Shishido, Scott; Saleem, Aftab; Krishnaswamy, Jayant; Brennan, Ryan; Pul=
licino, Marcus; Schmidt, Mark; Renaud, Todd; McNair, Darren; Qavi, Faheem; =
Deleon, Roberto; Beyer, Troy; James, Matthew; Martinez, Bob; Yanowski, Tomm=
y J.; Conley, Tom; Cinelli, Steve; McKeel, Richard; Harmon, Kenneth M.; Ste=
vens, Wilford; Smith, Bruce; Fortney, Bill; Wong, Jeremy; Lim, Francis S.; =
Yang, Sean; Dronet, David; Bharathi, Jaikishore; Sugrue, Jim; Setliff, John=
; Pena, Matt; Clark, Cynthia; D'Souza, Romeo; Ray, Edward; Burchfield, Rich=
ard; McAuliffe, Bob; Forster, David; Webb, Jay; Rub, Jenny
Cc:=09'steve.benton@ubsw.com'; 'bryan.thal@ubsw.com'; Meinel - UBS, Matt; '=
Subject:=0902-01-2002 Key Points

1) Status are due at 3:00 under: =20
=09O:\InfoTech\Development Support\UBS Integration Team\<YOUR TEAMS WORKING=
FOLDER<\Status Reports\
2) Review open issues under:
=09O:\InfoTech\Development Support\UBS Integration Team\_IT Integration Man=

1) EOL identifier will be changed to ETX
2) HR and Security working on Dual Access issue with Legal
3) A posting to how you will be handling your mail, common drives, etc....=
to be posted today.
4) NetCo employees to be churning to ECS today and through next week. The=
ir phones will be inactive in ECN this coming Monday.
New Issues:
1) Database refreshes for Curves - Meeting to be handled by Mable Tang=20
