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Enron Mail |
---------------------- Forwarded by Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT on 10/25/2000
09:11 AM --------------------------- Dawn C Kenne 10/25/2000 09:02 AM To: Jennifer Baer <jbaer1@maine.rr.com<, "Amanda Barnard" <ajbarnard@houston.rr.com<, Pam B Boxx/HOU/ECT@ECT, PMDESMAR@earthlink.net, maxnbev@wesnet.com (Max Fledderjohann), "garynkay" <GARYWGARRETT@email.msn.com<, Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT@ECT, "B. Kenne" <yona_edoda@yahoo.com< @ ENRON, plmichaud <plmichaud@pdq.net<, Eric Wardle/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ed Zajicek <e.zajicek@pentasafe.com<, Sheri Thomas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Bagwell/NA/Enron@ENRON, Jason Wolfe/NA/Enron@ENRON, Jeffrey C Gossett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phillip M Love/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Algore ---------------------- Forwarded by Dawn C Kenne/HOU/ECT on 10/25/2000 09:00 AM --------------------------- "Bythewood, Richard" <rbythewood@txi.com< on 10/25/2000 08:51:32 AM To: "'Brad Baker'" <bbaker@mesh.net<, "'Brad Levy'" <brad_levy@compusa.com<, "'Brendan O'Brien'" <brendano@crossmk.com<, "Michael, Chris" <cmichael@txi.com<, "'Darrell Brown'" <dkbrown2@flash.net<, "'Dawn Wilson'" <Dawn.C.Kenne@enron.com<, "'Fred Silva'" <silvauh60@aol.com<, "'Garrett Goeters'" <garrett.goeters@compaq.com<, "'Gary Wilson'" <R.Wilson@oracle.com<, "Spindler, Jenny" <jspindler@txi.com<, "'John Belcher'" <johnbe@microsoft.com<, "'John Everett'" <john_b_everett@email.mobil.com<, "'John Stefek'" <stefek@onramp.net<, "'Karen Hendrix'" <karen.hendrix@biin.com<, "'Kevin Kalis'" <kkalistx@hotmail.com<, "'Kristin and Darrell Herbel'" <KUAlums@aol.com<, "'Matt Louk'" <sigmaxaa@ix.netcom.com<, "'Mike'" <mike@bythewood.com<, "'Mike Parker'" <MParker173@aol.com<, "'Mitch'" <mitch4269@hci.net<, "'Mom'" <rbwood@flash.net<, "'Nathan Reese'" <nreese@mindspring.com<, "'Philip Stavens'" <pstavens@flash.net<, "'Roger @ Home'" <gbythewood@aol.com<, "'Roger @ Work'" <Roger.BythewoodJr@add.ssw.abbott.com<, "'Sal Navarro'" <JANSAL@aol.com<, "'Sandra Dial'" <sdial@ect.enron.com<, "'Sandra Dial'" <sdial@ix.netcom.com<, "'Scott Martin'" <scotta@wt.net<, "'Scott Spindler'" <Sdspindler@aol.com<, "'Shelly'" <rbwood@ix.netcom.com<, "'Steve Dillard'" <steve_dillard@matrixes.com<, "'Tim and Missy'" <Tim_Holmes@intgate.rbfalcon.com<, "'Tim Holmes'" <tholmes@intgate.rbfalcon.com<, "'Tom Collier'" <tgcollier@msn.com<, "'Wally Gomaa'" <wally.gomaa@gwl.com<, Ben Weeks <bweeks@txi.com<, Bradley Priest <bpriest@txi.com<, Darrell Marshall <dmarshall@txi.com<, David Malchow <dmalchow@txi.com<, Skip Wagner <swagner@txi.com<, Taylor Evans <tevans@txi.com<, Brendan Obrien <brenman@ix.netcom.com<, Chris Michael <cmichael@txi.com<, Don Copeland <donald.copeland@telops.gte.com<, Doug Webb <dwebb2@pdq.net<, Gary Wilson <R.Wilson@oracle.com<, Juan Harris <JHarris914@aol.com<, Kevin Cooper <Kevin.Cooper@txdps.state.tx.us< cc: Subject: Algore My apologies to you left-wingers who may receive this e-mail... While Al Gore has a habit of exaggerating his record, these numbers tell us the real truth about his record on education, healthcare and taxes: AL GORE'S EDUCATION PLANS... $10,000...? tax deduction that Al Gore says will be received by "all students who want to go to college". $800... tax deduction is the reality. 0... students working their way through college getting a tax credit because they do not pay enough in income taxes. 30,000,000... low-income households get no benefit on Gore's education plan. 0...? families making over $20,000 get a benefit. 5,000,000... upper income families are ineligible. 0... deductions or credits for room, board, books, supplies, and travel. 1... education plan that is almost identical to the one that failed in the Clinton White House. AL GORE'S PROGRAM ON HEALTHCARE: $600... access fee per year to obtain prescription drug coverage under the Gore plan. 412... new regulatory mandates created by the Gore Medicare plan. 182... new regulations dealing with prescription drugs alone. 64.5... the age you are when you have your one and only opportunity to buy into a government HMO. 8... year wait for Gore's plan to be implemented. 2... times the price of Bush's plan to create more government bureaucrats THE VICE PRESIDENT ON TAXES: 88... separate tax increases along with 42 new user fees Gore proposed in the 2001 budget. 11%... how much the tax burden has increased over the last 8 years. $500... per child tax credit was never included in previous Clinton/Gore budgets. 50,000,000... taxpayers will not get tax relief under Gore's plan. $1,400... couples will pay in taxes because Gore opposed the Marriage Penalty tax cut. 4.3 cents...? tax increase on a gallon of gas because of Gore's tie-breaking vote. THE MOST IMPORTANT NUMBERS: 17... days until the election. PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS! Sincerely, Jim Nicholson Chairman Republican National Committee P.S.?? The average Republican has 28 names in his or her email directory - that means if we all forward this message to our friends, this one email can reach 14 million citizens!? Please forward to your friends and make sure every online Republican signs up at http://www.echampions2000.com Thanks.