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---------------------- Forwarded by Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT on 09/19/2000
11:46 AM --------------------------- Greg Couch 09/19/2000 10:36 AM To: Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: Fwd: Fw: Senate Bill SB-2099 Thanks for the great info Darron. I am already aware of this bill and have already written both TX Senators. Better get your hammer and sickle ready comrade. Enron North America Corp. From: Darron C Giron 09/19/2000 10:16 AM To: Greg Couch/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Fwd: Fw: Senate Bill SB-2099 I got this from some hunter friends. Thought you would like to read it. DG 3-9573 ---------------------- Forwarded by Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT on 09/19/2000 10:15 AM --------------------------- Alton Smith <altsmith@cisco.com< on 09/15/2000 08:25:26 AM To: mail143232@pop.net cc: byd@digitex.net, david_craft@wbw-pc.com, imopiano@io.com, geoterri@flash.net, ghammond@mdavidlowe.com, jeff_graham@condley.com, Mfowler1@airmail.net, nealk@wt.net, randy.g.kruger.jr@arthuranderson.com, sschroed@us.ca-indosuez.com, b3wells@aol.com, Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT@ECT, dennis.patrick@telops.gte.com, Abel_Acosta@cca.court.state.tx.us, mail143232@pop.net, randy@mcdonaldinc.com, Eric.Gunther@sabre.com, eric.kupper@sabre.com, rambo1@oknet1.net, ClintonMur@aol.com, wwhent@lipan.net, Sgt_Maj@email.msn.com, fbarowsk@cisco.com, jeff@huntingwithjeff.com Subject: Fwd: Fw: Senate Bill SB-2099 Sorry for the wide distribution. However, I thought all my hunting buddies should be aware of what's going on. Who knows we may be asked to register sling shots in the future. Thanks <From: "Jim Hamilton" <jrham@worldnet.att.net< <To: "Alton Smith" <altsmith@cisco.com< <Subject: Fw: Senate Bill SB-2099 <Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 07:45:34 -0500 <X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.5 < <This along with the other smoke and mirrors is becoming the norm for our <Government. WHY do they fear honest law abiding citizens exercising their <2nd amendment constitutional rights? If anyone thinks that the NRA is a <little club of paranoid reactive, they should review their feelings. Send <this on to everyone you know. It is time to vote and let these individuals, <that suppose they are above the law and can rewrite and violate our <constitutional rights, know they are mistaken. These people know it would be <very difficult to eliminate our rights through the front door and in the <light of day. They will seek any and all methods to accomplish these agendas <behind the scenes. <-----Original Message----- <From: Martin Burnett <mtdburnett@hotmail.com< <To: barandbag@mediaone.net <barandbag@mediaone.net<; P015@persnet.navy.mil <<P015@persnet.navy.mil<; GRANATHA@aol.com <GRANATHA@aol.com<; <allanwendt@hotmail.com <allanwendt@hotmail.com<; ahansen367@home.com <<ahansen367@home.com<; rjwolfe@mlt.uspa-ira.com <rjwolfe@mlt.uspa-ira.com<; <flyov10s@aol.com <flyov10s@aol.com<; perrymm89@yahoo.com <<perrymm89@yahoo.com<; cnaarndt@aol.com <cnaarndt@aol.com<; mamzic1@aol.com <<mamzic1@aol.com<; smokinf18@aol.com <smokinf18@aol.com<; <davidson.morse@morgankeegan.com <davidson.morse@morgankeegan.com<; <Doerings2@aol.com <Doerings2@aol.com<; DDBaggett@aol.com <<DDBaggett@aol.com<; keprice95@aol.com <keprice95@aol.com<; stearns@hctc.net <<stearns@hctc.net<; smithgh@rocketmail.com <smithgh@rocketmail.com<; <greg.fred@juno.com <greg.fred@juno.com<; delvoeg@aol.com <delvoeg@aol.com<; <jrham@worldnet.att.net <jrham@worldnet.att.net<; jrham51@yahoo.com <<jrham51@yahoo.com<; btarlton@aol.com <btarlton@aol.com<; <jeffhardee@hotmail.com <jeffhardee@hotmail.com<; Mitch3p@aol.com <<Mitch3p@aol.com<; bchdriver1@aol.com <bchdriver1@aol.com<; <jeffrey.kuhn@autozone.com <jeffrey.kuhn@autozone.com<; jwconnors@aol.com <<jwconnors@aol.com<; johnnycme@aol.com <johnnycme@aol.com<; <pjschmitt@fedex.com <pjschmitt@fedex.com<; JBrown8245@aol.com <<JBrown8245@aol.com<; Delta75@aol.com <Delta75@aol.com<; KAPD39@aol.com <<KAPD39@aol.com<; Ringledoc1@aol.com <Ringledoc1@aol.com<; <Raymo1@ix.netcom.com <Raymo1@ix.netcom.com<; prendad@aol.com <<prendad@aol.com<; r.r.cameron@worldnet.att.net <<r.r.cameron@worldnet.att.net<; RayfieldRS@hqda.army.mil <<RayfieldRS@hqda.army.mil<; ronbo@newbernnc.com <ronbo@newbernnc.com<; <PILOTFA@aol.com <PILOTFA@aol.com<; SMcNabb@ENERGY.TWC.com <<SMcNabb@ENERGY.TWC.com<; scotkilt@m3.sprynet.com <scotkilt@m3.sprynet.com<; <wedgewise@aol.com <wedgewise@aol.com<; stevesande@aol.com <<stevesande@aol.com<; vsorlie@home.com <vsorlie@home.com<; weshope@juno.com <<weshope@juno.com< <Date: Thursday, September 14, 2000 10:53 PM <Subject: Senate Bill SB-2099 < < <<FRIENDS, <<PLEASE FORGIVE THE LARGE LIST. THIS COULD BE A BIG DEAL TO SOME OR ALL OF <<YOU. AN OLD AND RELIABLE MARINE FRIEND OF MINE SENT THIS. TAKE A LOOK AND <<ACT ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN CONSCIENCE. <<THANKS, <<MARTY << << <<<From: "Joe & Norma Morris" <sbeanokie@tah-usa.net< <<<To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;@tah-usa.net <<<Subject: Senate Bill SB-2099 <<<Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 19:56:58 -0500 <<< <<<Got this last night, <<<Thought all you guys who may not have known before would like to see what <<<is going on behind the scenes with the IRS now. Very disturbing <<<Bill <<<---- Original Message ----- <<<From: Bryant L. Metler <<<To: Zana Smith <<<Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 8:38 PM <<<Subject: Be aware, Bill -- The following message is for you and freedom <<<loving Oklahomans <<< <<< <<<The following was forwarded to me today by my son David; we will <<<immediately begin the battle against this end-run around the Constitution <<<!!! <<< <<<Subject: Fw: This is not good! <<< <<<I have read this Senate Bill, this message is serious. <<< <<<Tim <<< <<< < OK folks, time to let them know...Toll free number: 888-449-3511 <<< < <<< < Senate Bill SB-2099 will require us to put on our 2000 1040 federal tax <<< < form <<< < all guns that you have or own. It may require fingerprints and a tax of <<<$50 <<< < per gun. This bill was introduced on Feb. 24. This bill will become <<<public <<< < knowledge 30 days after it is voted into law. This is an amendment to <<<the <<< < Internal Revenue Act of 1986. This means that the Finance Committee can <<< < pass <<< < this without the Senate voting on it at all. The full text of the <<<proposed <<< < amendment is on the U.S. Senate homepage. <http://www.senate.gov/<<< < <http://www.senate.gov/< < You can find the bill by doing a search by <<<the <<< < bill number. (SB-2099) <<< < <<< < You know who to call; I strongly suggest you do. Please send a copy of <<< < this <<< < e-mail to every gun owner you know to help. <<< < <<< < STOP this bill!! <<< << <<_________________________________________________________________________ <<Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com. << <<Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at <<http://profiles.msn.com. << << < Alton Smith Systems Engineer Global Systems Integrators Cisco Systems Office: 972-364-8802 Pager: 800-365-4578 http://www.cisco.com/go/uschannels/