Enron Mail

Subject:FW: FW: Are you ready for some football?
Date:Fri, 26 Oct 2001 14:16:06 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: "scott crowell" <scott_crowell@hotmail.com<@ENRON
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 9:08 AM
To: Giron, Darron C.
Subject: Fwd: FW: Are you ready for some football?

<From: "Laurence, Andrea" <alaurence@kpmg.com<
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<Subject: FW: Are you ready for some football?
<Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 11:29:04 -0400
<-----Original Message-----
<From: KurtHelwig@aol.com [mailto:KurtHelwig@aol.com]
<Sent: Friday, October 19 , 2001 9:52 AM
<To: alaurence@kpmg.com
<Subject: Fwd: Are you ready for some football?
<this might be guy humor, but it is one of the funniest damn things i have
<ever read
<-----Original Message-----
<From: JimmyLynn1@aol.com [mailto:JimmyLynn1@aol.com]
<Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 12:36 PM
<To: t.butler@rane.net; KurtHelwig@aol.com; Wiedis@aol.com
<Subject: Fwd: Are you ready for some football?
<this one should remind you guys of our sojourn to new orleans last fall ...
<it takes a while to read, but it's worth it. j --
<Fan on Game Day--- (apologies if you've seen this before...worth another
<This is pretty long, but it's HYSTERICAL! If you've ever been drunk at a
<sporting event, or been with someone who has, you can relate.
<This is an e-mail from some guy named J.D. Horne, who, according to the
<messages that were attached to this, is not a 21 year-old frat boy, but an
<attorney of indeterminate age. He sent it to his friend Brian Brice and it
<got forwarded around the country. You have to give the guy some props for
<being self-deprecating...but I hope I never meet him on game day.
<A chronology of events for Saturday, December 4, 1999, and the early
<hours of Sunday, December 5, 1999:
<6:00 Arise, play the Eyes of Texas and Texas Fight at full-freaking blast
<6:20 Get in car, drive to New Braunfels
<7:30 Tee off (me and a buddy were the FIRST tee-time of the morning)
<8:50 Turn 9 (crack open first beer)
<8:53 Crack open second beer
<8:58 Crack open...(you get the idea)
<10:30 Finish 18 (holes, as well as beers), sign scorecard for smoooooth 95.
<10:35 Headed for San Antonio (Alamodome - Nebraska vs Texas)
<10:50 Buy three 18-packs for pre- and post-game festivities
<11:10 We decide we don't have enough booze, so we double-back to a liquor
<store and buy the good ol' 750 ml plastic bottle "Traveler" Jim Beam
<11:50 Arrive at the tailgate spot. Awesome day. Not a single cloud in the
<sky. About 70 degrees.
<11:55 I decide that we're going to kick the shit out of Nebraska.
<11:56 I tell my first Nebraska fan to go fuck himself.
<12:15 The UT band walks by on the way to the Alamodome. We're on the second
<floor of a two-story parking garage on the corner (a couple hundred of us).
<We're hooting and hollering like wildmen. The band doubles back to the
<street right below us and serenades us with Texas Fight and The Eyes of
<12:25 In the post-serenade serendipity, 50-100 grown men are bumping chests
<with one another, each and every one of them now secure and certain of the
<fact that we are going to kick the shit out of Nebraska.
<1:00 The Nebraska band walks by on the way to the Alamodome. Again, we hoot
<and holler like wildmen. Again, the band doubles back and stops right below
<us to serenade us, this time, however, with the Nebraska fight songs.
<Although somewhat impressed by their spirit and verve, we remain convinced
<that we are going to kick the shit out of Nebraska.
<1:30 I begin the walk to the Alamodome, somehow managing to stuff the
<"Traveler" and 11 cans of beer into my pants.
<1:47 I am in line surrounded by Nebraska fans. They are taunting me. I am
<taunting back, still certain that we are going to kick the shit out of
<Nebraska. I decide to challenge a particularly vocal Nebraska fan to play
<what I now call and will forever be remembered as Cell-Phone Flop Out."
<Remember flop out for a dollar? The rules are similar. I tell this
<Nebraska jackass that if he's so confident in his team, he should "flop
<his cell phone RIGHT NOW and make plane reservations to Phoenix for the
<Fiesta Bowl. And then I spoke these memorable words: "And not those damn
<refundable tickets, either! You request those non-refundable,
<non-transferrable sons-of-bitches!" He backs down. He is unworthy.
<I call Southwest Airlines and buy two tickets to Phoenix, non-refundable
<non-transferrable. Price: $712. He is humbled. He lowers his head in
<shame. I raise my cell phone in triumph to the cheers of hundreds of Texas
<fans. I am KING and these are my subjects. I distribute the 11 beers in my
<pants to the cheering masses. I RULE the pre-game kingdom.
<2:34 Kickoff. Brimming with confidence, I open the Traveler and pour my
<first stiffy.
<2:45 I notice something troubling: Nebraska is big. Nebraska is fast.
<Nebraska is very pissed off at Texas.
<3:01 The first quarter mercifully ends. 9 yards total offense for Texas.
<Zero first downs for Texas. I'm still talking shit. I pour another stiffy
<from the Traveler.
<3:36 Four minutes to go in the first half: the Traveler is a dead soldier.
<I buy my first $5 beer from the Alamodome merchants. While I am standing in
<line, a center snap nearly decapitates Major Applewhite and rolls out of
<end zone. Safety.
<3:56 Halftime score: Nebraska 15, Texas 0. I wish I had another Traveler.
<4:11 While urinating next to a Nebraska fan in the bathroom at halftime, I
<attempt to revive the classic Brice-ism from the South Bend bathroom:
<"Hey, buddy, niiiiiiiiice cock." He is unamused.
<4:21 I buy my 2nd and 3rd $5 beer from the Alamodome merchants. I share my
<beer with two high school girls sitting behind me. Surprisingly, they are
<equipped with a flask full of vodka. I send them off to purchase Sprites,
<so that we may consume their vodka. I have not lost faith.
<Nebraska is a bunch of pussies.
<4:51 No more vodka. The girls sitting behind me have fled for their lives.
<I purchase two more $5 beers from the Alamodome merchants.
<5:18 Score is Nebraska 22, Texas 0. I am beginning to lose faith. This
<normally would trouble me, but I am too drunk to see the football field.
<5:27 I call Southwest Airlines: "I'm sorry, sir. Those tickets have been
<confirmed and are non-refundable and non-transferrable."
<5:37 I try to start a fight with every person behind the concession
<As it turns out, the Alamodome has a policy that no beer can be sold when
<there is less than 10 minutes on the game clock. I am enraged by this
<policy. I ask loudly: "Why the fuck didn't you announce last call over the
<fucking PA system??!!"
<5:49 Back in my seats, I am slumped in my chair in defeat. All of a sudden,
<the Texas crowd goes absolutely nuts.
<"Whazzis?," I mutter, awaking from my coma, "Iz we winnig? Did wez scort?"
<Alas, the answer is no, we were not winning and we did not score. The
<largest (by far) cheer of the day from the Texas faithful occurred when the
<handlers were walking back to the tunnel and Bevo (the Texas mascot)
<to take a gargantuan shit all over the letters "S", "K", and "A" in the
<"Nebraska" spelled out in their end zone. I cheer wildly. I pick up the
<empty Traveler bottle and stick my tongue in it. I am thirsty.
<6:16 Nebraska fans are going berserk as I walk back to the truck. I would
<taunt them with some off-color remarks about their parentage, but I am too
<drunk to form complete sentences. With my last cognitive thought of the
<evening, I take solace in the fact that if we had not beaten them in
<October, they would be playing Florida State for the national championship.
<6:30 Back in the car. On the way back to Austin for the basketball game.
<8:00 Texas-Arizona tip off. We can still salvage the day! I crack open a
<beer. It is warm. I don't care.
<7:12 We have stopped for gas. I am hungry. I go inside the store. I walk
<past the beer frig. I notice a Zima. I've never had a Zima. I wonder if
<it's any good. I pull a Zima from the frig. I twist the top off and drink
<the Zima in three swallows. Zima sucks. I replace the empty bottle in the
<7:17 There is a Blimpie Subs in the store. I walk to where the ingredients
<are, where the person usually makes the sub. There is no one there. I lean
<over the counter and scoop out half a bucket of black olives. I eat them.
<I am still hungry. I lean further over the counter and grab approximately
<two pounds of Pastrami. I walk out of the store grunting and eating
<Pastrami. The patrons in the store fear me. I don't care.
<8:01 We are in South Austin. I have been drinking warm beer and singing
<Brooks and Dunn tunes for over an hour. My truck-mate is tired of my
<singing. He suggests that perhaps Brooks and Dunn have written other good
<songs besides "You're Going to Miss Me When I'm Gone"
<and "Neon Moon" and that maybe listening to only those two songs, ten times
<each was a bit excessive. Perhaps, he suggests, I could just let the CD
<play on its own. I tell him to fuck off and restart "Neon Moon."
<8:30 We arrive at the Erwin Center. My truckmate, against my loud and
<profane protestations, parks on the top floor of a nearby parking garage. I
<tell him he's an idiot. I tell him we will never get out. I tell him we
<may as well pitch a fucking tent here. He ignores me.
<I think he's still pissed about the Brooks and Dunn tunes. I whistle "Neon
<Moon" loudly.
<8:47 I am rallying. I have 4 warm beers stuffed in my pants. We're going
<to kick the shit out of Arizona.
<9:11 Halftime score: Texas 31, Arizona 29. I am pleased. I go to the
<bathroom to pee for the 67th time today. I giggle to myself because of the
<new opportunity to do "the bathroom Brice." There are no Arizona fans in
<the bathroom. I am disappointed. I tell myself (out loud) that I have a
<"Niiiiiice cock." No one is amused but me.
<9:41 I walk to the bathroom while drinking Bud Light out of a can. Needless
<to say, they do not sell beer at the Erwin Center,much less Bud Light out
<a can. I am stopped by an usher: "Where did you get that, sir?" I tell him
<(no shit): "Oh, the cheerleaders were throwing them up with those little
<plastic footballs. Would you mind throwing this away for me?" I take the
<last swig and hand it to him. He is confused. I pretend I'm going to the
<bathroom, but I run away giggling instead. I duck into some entrance to
<avoid the usher, who is now pursuing me. I sneak into a large group of
<people and sit down. The usher walks by harmlessly. I am giggling like a
<little girl. I crack open another can of Bud Light.
<9:52 I am lost. In my haste to avoid the usher, I have lost my bearings. I
<have no ticket stub. I cannot find my seats. Texas is losing.
<10:09 Texas is being screwed by the refs. I am enraged. I have cleared out
<the seats around me because I keep removing my hat and beating the
<surrounding chairs with it. A concerned fan asks if I'm OK and perhaps I
<shouldn't take it so seriously. I tell him to fuck off.
<10:15 After the fourth consecutive "worst fucking call I have EVER seen," I
<attempt to remove my hat again to begin beating inanimate objects.
<However, on this occasion I miscalculate and I thumbnail myself in my left
<eyelid, leaving a one-quarter inch gash over my eye. I am now bleeding into
<my left eye and all over my shirt. "Perhaps," I think to myself, I'm
<taking this a bit seriously."
<10:22 I am standing in the bathroom peeing. I'm so drunk I am swaying and
<grunting. I have a bloody napkin pressed on my left eye. My pants are
<bloody. I have my (formerly) white shirt wrapped around my waist. I look
<like I should be in an episode of Cops.
<10:43 Texas has lost. I put my bloody white shirt back on my body and make
<my way for the exits. I am stopped every 20 seconds by a good
<samaritan/cop/security guard to ask me why I am covered in blood, but I
<merely grunt incoherently and keep moving.
<10:59 With my one good eye, I have located the parking garage. I walk up
<six flights of stairs, promise that when I see my friend I will punch him
<the face for making me walk up six flights of stairs, find the truck, and
<collapse in a heap in the bed of the truck. I look around and notice that
<traffic is lined up all the way around the garage, six whole flights, and
<one is moving. I take a nap.
<11:17 I awake from my nap. I see my friend in the driver's seat. I lift my
<head to look out the bed of the truck and notice that traffic is lined up
<all the way around the garage, six whole flights, and no one is moving. I
<am too tired to punch my friend. I call my friend a "Stupid cocksucker."
<11:31 I lift my head to look out the bed of the truck and notice that
<traffic is lined up all the way around the garage, six whole flights, and
<one is moving. I call my friend a "Stupid cocksucker."
<11:38 I lift my head to look out the bed of the truck and notice that
<traffic is lined up all the way around the garage, six whole flights, and
<one is moving. I call my friend a "Stupid cocksucker."
<11:47 I lift my head to look out the bed of the truck and notice that
<traffic is lined up all the way around the garage, six whole flights, and
<one is moving. I call my friend a "Stupid cocksucker."
<11:58 I am jostled. The truck is moving. I lift my head to look out the
<bed of the truck and notice that traffic is beginning to move on the second
<floor. I jump out of the truck, walk to the edge of the parking facility,
<and pee off the sixth floor onto the street below.
<My friend looks at me like I just anally violated his minor sister. I turn
<around pee on the front of his truck while singing the lyrics to "Neon
<12:11 We are moving. We are out of beer. I jump from the truck and go from
<vehicle to vehicle until someone gives me two beers. I am happy. I return
<to my vehicle
<12:26 We have emerged from the parking facility. We make our way to my
<apartment and find Ed sitting on the couch with a freshly opened bottle of
<Glenlivet on the coffee table in front of him. We are all going to die
<12:59 We have finished three-quarters of the bottle of Glenlivet. We decide
<it would be a wonderful idea to go dancing at PollyEsther's. Ed has to pee.
<He walks down the hall to our apartment and directly into the full length
<mirror at the end of the hall, smashing it into hundreds of pieces. We
<giggle uncontrollably and leave for PollyEsther's.
<1:17 The PollyEsther's doorman laughs uncontrollably at our efforts to
<his club. "Fellas," he says in between his fits of spastic laughter, "I've
<been working this door for almost a year. I've been working doors in this
<town for almost 5 years. And I can honestly say that I ain't never seen
<three drunker mother fuckers than you three. Sorry, can't let you in." We
<attempt to reason with him. He laughs harder.
<1:44 We find a bar that lets us in. We take two steps in the door and hear
<"Last call for alcohol!" I turn to the group and mutter: "See, dat wasn't
<that fuckin' hard. Day don't fuckin' do that at the Awamo...the awaom...the
<alab...fuck it, that stadium we was at today..." We order 6 shots of
<tequila and three beers.
<2:15 Back on the street. We need food. We hail a cab to take us the two
<and one half blocks to Katz's. The cab fare is $1.60. We give him $10 and
<tell him to keep it.
<2:17 There is a 20 minute wait. We give the hostess $50. We are seated
<2:25 We order two orders of fried pickles, a Cobb salad, a bowl of soup,
<orders of Blueberry blintzes, two Reuben sandwiches, a hamburger, two
<stuffed potatoes, an order of fries, and an order of onion rings.
<2:39 The food arrives. We are all asleep with our heads on the table. The
<waiter wakes us up. We eat every fucking bit of our food. Most of the
<restaurant patrons around us are disgusted. We don't give a fuck. The tab
<is $112 with tip.
<2:46 I'm sleepy.
<9:12 I wake up next to a strange woman. She is the bartender at Katz's.
<She is not pretty.
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