Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Your Order with Amazon.com (#103-4154813-2144622)
Date:Tue, 4 Dec 2001 08:38:59 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09auto-confirm@amazon.com@ENRON On Behalf Of auto-confirm@amazon.c=
Sent:=09Tuesday, December 04, 2001 10:38 AM
Subject:=09Your Order with Amazon.com (#103-4154813-2144622)

[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09
=09 Thanks for your order, Darron Giron! If you ordered several items =
to be delivered to the same address, we might send them separately to ensur=
e quicker service. But don't worry: you won't be charged any extra shipping=
fees. Thanks again for shopping with us. Amazon.com Customer Service =
Manage Your Account: Did you know you can view and edit your orders on=
line? Click Your Account to: Access "Where's My Stuff?" Combine orders =
Change payment options Change shipping address Cancel unshipped items Ch=
ange gift messaging Do much more... Purchasing Information: Y=
our purchase reads as follows: E-mail Address: dgiron@enron.com Items=
: $ 51.96 Shipping & Handling: $ 5.48 ------ T=
otal Before Tax: $ 57.44 Estimated Tax*: $ 0.00 ------ Purc=
hase Total: $ 57.44 * See tax and seller information for Order #103-=
4154813-2144622 . Order Summary: Order #1:(Order #103-4154813-2144=
622 ) Darron Giron 14343 Millstone Estates Ln. Cypress, TX 77429 United=
States Shipping Method: Standard Shipping Shipping Preference: Ship when =
all items are available. [IMAGE] 1 "Harry Potter and the Chamber of S=
ecrets (Book 2)" J. K. Rowling; Hardcover; @ $11.97 each Usually available=
in 24 hours [IMAGE] 1 "Star Wars Episode 1: Jedi Power Battles" Video G=
ame; @ $39.99 each Usually available in 24 hours You can make changes =
to any unshipped orders in Your Account . If you've explored the links on t=
hat page but still have a question, please visit our online Help Department=
. Please note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that=
cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message. Tha=
nks again for shopping with us. Amazon.com Earth's Biggest Selection [=
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