Enron Mail

Subject:Mark Report
Date:Tue, 8 May 2001 10:09:00 -0700 (PDT)

Here is today's Mark Report

This information is for the private use of the recipient and may not be=20
disclosed to any other entity (including affiliates) without the prior=20
written consent of Enron North America. All of the above prices are=20
=01&indicative=018 prices and are subject to change depending upon changin=
g market=20
conditions and liquidity. The transactions are also subject to negotiation=
of mutually acceptable definitive agreements, satisfactory credit=20
arrangements and the approval of the respective management=01,s of our two=
companies. This term sheet is not intended to create a binding or enforceab=
contract nor is it an offer or a commitment to enter into any transaction. =
All terms are subject to change until agreement as to a specific transacti=
has been reached. ENA is not acting as a fiduciary or advisor and you shou=
evaluate and understand the terms, conditions, and risks of all transaction=
in making your decisions with respect theret