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-----Original Message----- From: Dana Ralston [mailto:dralston@tombrown.com] Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 1:46 PM To: Mike Griffith Subject: FW: FW: Thousands die... and they cheered! < < < < Subject: FW: Thousands die... and they cheered! < < < < < < < < How Budweiser handles those who laughed at those who died on 11 Sept < < 2001 < < < < < < < < Thought you'd like to know what happened in a town north of < Bakersfield < < < < California. After you finish reading this, please forward this story < on < < to < < < < others so that our nation and around the world will know about those < who < < < < laughed when they found out about the tragic events in New York, PA < and < < < < the < < < < Pentagon. < < < < e < < < < September 11th, a Budweiser employee was making a delivery to a < < < < convenience store in a town called McFarland. He knew of the tragedy < < that < < < < had occurred in New York, but was continuing his shift to stores and < < < < seeing < < < < owners weeping and sad talking about what was happening in New York. < He < < < < entered the 7-11 to find the two Arab owners whooping and hollering, < < < < clapping and doing high-fives and really cheering it up. It was < obvious < < < < they < < < < were elated with what had happened earlier.. < < < < < < < < The Budweiser employee went to his truck called his boss and told him < of < < < < the < < < < event. He said he was stunned and had returned to the truck to call < and < < < < tell < < < < someone about the horrible people inside. His boss told him, "Do you < < think < < < < you could go in there long enough to pull every Budweiser product and < < item < < < < our beverage company sells there? We'll never deliver to them again." < < < < < < < < The employee walked in, proceeded to pull every single product his < < < < beverage < < < < company provided and left with an incredible grin on his face. He told < < < < them < < < < never to bother and call for a delivery again.Then he added 'call Bin < < < < Laden < < < < for your beer from now on!' < < < < < < < < Budweiser happens to be the beer of choice for that community. Just < < < < letting < < < < you all know how Kern County handles this situation! Pass this along. < < < < America needs to know that we're all working together. < < < < < < < < Well, I need to add to this. My father in Nevada sent this to me. Fact < < is, < < < < I < < < < live not too far from McFarland here in Central California, and I < heard < < < < about this at work the day after it happened. Seems a lot of people < from < < < < work frequented the store in question. But it didn't end there. As < Paul < < < < Harvey might say, here's the rest of the story... < < < < < < < < Seems the Budweiser driver had friends...in particular, the Pepsi < route < < < < driver. The Bud driver called his Pepsi friend from his cell phone < while < < < < he < < < < was still at the store and told him what happened. Seems the Pepsi < < driver < < < < called his boss, and received the identical orders the Bud driver did. < < So < < < < Pepsi went in and took out everything in the store under their < corporate < < < < brand. And if you know Pepsico (Pepsi, Frito Lay, etc.), that's damn < < near < < < < EVERYTHING. Last I heard, that store has no product, no customers < (word < < < < spreads fast in these small towns, y'know) and no hope. And I say < good < < < < riddance to bad rubbish. I hope they enjoyed their cheers....it's < the < < < < last < < < < they'll be doing in THIS country. < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <