Enron Mail

To:larry.may@enron.com, craig.taylor@enron.com
Subject:FW: Fw: Fw: How About them Cowboys
Date:Mon, 28 Jan 2002 08:51:25 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: "Edwin Fitts" <edwinfitts@hotmail.com<@ENRON
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 11:03 AM
To: amyf_lovett@msn.com; ashley@cortex.ama.ttuhsc.edu; becky.hadley@weatherford.com; jberryman@relianceenergyinc.com; rcfitts@attbi.com; jblanton@ev1.net; res0313o@gte.net; jsears@wescops.com; Griffith, John; kcovey@frymulti.com; kemo@apex2000.net; balletstar315@msn.com; kerric30@aol.com; leeroberts@snellingdenton.com; rjfitts@webtv.net; nancyreagan@apex2000.net; osears@hotmail.com; rsfast@yahoo.com; dallaskboy@hotmail.com; smhyden@cableone.com; davidself@excite.com; andersondj@2mawbft.usmc.mil; shop_dog@excite.com; CELESTE1961@aol.com; donnice@swbell.net; coondog41359@yahoo.com; warhorse@cyberport.com; dannyyocham@hotmail.com
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Fw: How About them Cowboys

< < < Subject: FW: How About them Cowboys
< < <
< < <
< < <
< < < Q. What's the difference between the Dallas Cowboys &
< < < the Taliban?
< < < A. The Taliban has a running game.
< < <
< < < Q. How do the Dallas Cowboys count to 10?
< < < A. 0-1, 0-2, 0-3, 0-4, 0-5, 0-6, 0-7, 0-8, 0-9, 0-10.
< < <
< < < Q. What do the Cowboys & Billy Graham have in common?
< < < A. They both can make 60,000 people stand up & yell
< < < "Jesus Christ"!
< < <
< < < Q. How do you keep a Cowboy out of your yard?
< < < A. Put up goal posts.
< < <
< < < Q. Where do you go in Dallas in case of a tornado?
< < < A. To Texas Stadium - they never get a touchdown
< < < there!
< < <
< < < Q. What do you call a current Cowboy with a SuperBowl
< < < ring?
< < < A. A thief.
< < <
< < < Q. Why doesn't Plano have a professional football
< < < team?
< < < A. Because then Dallas would want one.
< < <
< < < Q. Why was Jerry Jones upset when the Cowboys playbook
< < < was stolen?
< < < A. Because he hadn't finished coloring it.
< < <
< < < Q. What's the difference between the Cowboys and a
< < < dollar bill?
< < < A. You can still get four quarters out of a dollar.
< < <
< < < Q. What do you call 47 people sitting around a TV
< < < watching the
< < < SuperBowl?
< < < A. Dallas Cowboys.
< < <
< < < Q. What do the Dallas Cowboys and opossums have in
< < < common?
< < < A. Both play dead at home and get killed on the road.
< < <
< < < Q. How can you tell when the Dallas Cowboys are going
< < < to run the
< < < football?
< < < A. Emmitt leaves the huddle with tears in his eyes.
< < <
< < <
< < <
< <Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

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