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Ina, does this affect us? Thanks.
john -----Original Message----- From: =09Ambrocik, Bob =20 Sent:=09Friday, September 28, 2001 5:03 PM To:=09Adams, Aaron; Agudelo, Ana; Akhave, Billie; Ambrocik, Bob; Anderson, = Bridgette; Armstrong, Aaron; Aubuchon, Bryan; Aucoin, Berney C. ; Ayyat, As= hraf; Bajwa, Bilal; Baker, Briant; Balasundaram, Arun; Balmaceda, Andres; B= arnett, Angela; Barschkis, Andreas; Bartarya, Amit; Baxter, Bryce; Beale, A= ntoinette; Beltri, Angeles; Berutti, Aaron; Bundscho, Amy; Burch, Bryan; Bu= rgess, Aliza; Burns, Andrew; Caldwell, Adam; Campos, Anthony; Cassel, Brend= a; Cavazos, Amy; Chan, Betty; Charania, Aneela; Chavez, Alejandra; Chen, An= gela; Chi, Benjamin; Chun, Andy; Conner, Andrew R.; Cook, Audrey; Cook, Bar= bara; Couch, Brooklyn; Cowan, Beth; Crane, Bob; Critchfield, Bryan; Dahanay= ake, Bernard; Dahlke, Andrea; Davis, Brian; Deluca, Bryan; Dey, Bali; Dhans= inghani, Ajit; Dhar, Amitava; Diebner, Bradley; Docwra, Anna M.; Doran, Bil= l; Engberg, Alan; Eoff, Brian; Evans, Brian; Farooqi, Ahmad; Fogarty, Brian= ; Fogherty, Brian; Ford, Allan; Fortney, Bill; Fraser, Bridget; Frihart, Br= yant; Fuller, Alex; Garg, Alok; Giddings, Brenda; Gillis, Brian; Gosalia, A= mita; Greenizan, Bill; Guerrero, Alisha; Guillen, Andrea R.; Ha, Amie; Hage= lmann, Bjorn; Haque, Ahmed; Hare, Bill D.; Harris, Bruce; Hawthorn, Andrew;= Hendon, Brian; Herod, Brenda F.; Hill, Andrew; Hill, Anthony; Honore, Alto= n; Horn, Brad; Hull, Bryan; Jackson, Alton; Jang, Aaron; Johnston, Brent; J= ones, Amy; Kefalas, Bill; Khaleeq, Bilal; Khanijo, Akhil; Khuri, Basem; Kin= sella, Bob; Kollaros, Alexios; Krcha, Amanda; Kumar, Arvindh; Lakes, Beverl= y; Lal, Amit; Langfeldt, Andrea; Lari, Bryan; Larkin, Brian; Lewis, Andrew = H.; Liknes, Angela; Lockman, Ben; Lopez, Blanca A.; Luc, Albert; Luong, Ani= ta; Macdonald, Anthony; Majorwitz, Buddy; Martin, Amanda; Martin, Arvel; Mc= Crory, Bob; McCulloch, Angela; Mckay, Brad; Mendez, Adriana; Mendez, Angela= ; Mends, Anthony; Metry, Adam; Miles, Andrew; Mills, Bruce; Morse, Brad; Mo= th, Andrew; Neves, Brenna; Oliveira, Brandon; Ornelas, Bianca; Osire, Ann; = Ozcan, Banu; Pandya, Bhavna; Patton, Anita K.; Pearce, Barry; Pehlivanova, = Biliana; Perez, Agustin; Petersen, Bo; Peterson, Adriana; Pham, Binh; Plage= r, Adam; Pollard, Al; Potter, Andrew; Potter, Brian; Price, Brent A.; Psend= a, Battista; Rajaram, Aparna; Ramakotti, Anand; Reed, Andrea V.; Ring, Andr= ea; Romero, Araceli; Saenz, Angela; Santucci, Anna; Schmidt, Ann M.; Schult= z, Amanda; Sexton, Anthony; Shimelis, Anteneh; Siddiqi, Asif; Solis, Alicia= ; Stevens, Adam; Tartakovski, Alex; Trabulsi, Alfonso; Tudor, Alexandru; Ty= rrell, Adam; Vakharia, Adarsh; Walker, Andy; Wong, Alex; Worthing, Ashley; = Wright, Alan; Zeman, Angie; Zipper, Andy; Abel, Chris; Amerson, Cella; Balf= our-Flanagan, Cyndie; Bao, Chengdi; Bardal, Chelsea; Barr, Corbett; Behney,= Chris; Berell, Chrishelle; Breslau, Craig; Brewer, Charles; Bruce, Chad; C= arrington, Clara; Carter, Carol; Cheung, Cecilia; Chew, Carol; Childers, Cr= aig; Cisneros, Celeste; Clark, Chad; Cocks, Christopher; Connelly, Chris; C= onnolly, Christopher; Constantine, Chris; Daniel, Christopher; Dawes, Chery= l; De La Torre, Cathy; Dean, Clint; Dinh, Christine; Dunnett, Claire; Emric= h, Chuck; Essig, Carol; Evans, Casey; Figueroa, Chris; Foster, Charlie; Fox= , Craig A.; Frank, Carole; Fricker, Charlene; Funk, Christopher; Garcia, Cl= arissa; Gaskill, Chris; Gawiuk, Carlee; Germany, Chris; Gilley, Carolyn; Gl= aas, Chris; Godward, Christopher; Gramlich, Chad; Gunn, Cephus; Henriquez, = Cybele; Herring, Coreen; Hoang, Charlie; Holt, Chris; Horn, Cindy; Hudler, = Cindy; Hyde, Crystal; Ihrig, Chad; Irvin, Cindy; Jackson, Colin; Jiang, Cha= rlie; Joplin, Craig; Kowdrysh, Carol; Kwan, Connie; Landry, Chad; Raja, Bir= al; Reid, Brooke; Reves, Brant; Reyna, Beatrice; Richter, Brad; Rivera, Bry= an; Rodriguez, Bernice; Romine, Brad; Rudy, Bruce; Sandberg, Blair; Sargent= , Barbara; Smith, Bruce; Snyder, Brad; Spector, Brian; Steinbrueck, Brian; = Tessandori, Bobbi; Tiner, Brent; Tycholiz, Barry; Vaughan, Beth; Wachtendor= f, Brandi; Wax, Brandon; Weidman, Barbara; Wesneske, Brian; White, Bill; Wh= itman, Britt; Whittingham, Beverley; XTrain01; XTrain02; XTrain03; XTrain04= ; XTrain05; XTrain06; XTrain07; XTrain08; XTrain09; XTrain10; Agarwalla, Di= pak; Aguilar, Darrell; Andel, Diana; Anderson, Derek; Anderson, Diane; Bail= ey, Derek; Bates, Don; Baughman Jr., Don; Baumbach, David; Benevides, Denni= s; Berberian, David; Black, Don; Brackett, Debbie R.; Brown, Daniel; Castag= nola, Daniel; Cioffi, Diana; Clark, Danny; Coleman, David; Collins, Dustin;= Cox, David; Crelin, Daniele; Cummings, Dan; Davies, Derek; Davis, Dana; De= lage, Darren; Delainey, David; LeBroc, Christian; Lee, Calvin; LeHouillier,= Cam; Lobusch, Christy; Luttrell, Chris; Mallory, Chris; Mansfield, Carey; = Mathew, Ciby; McMillian, Courtney; Mendoza, Christina; Mitchell, Carl; Moor= e, Castlen; Moses, Cassy; Mulcahy, Christopher; Muzzy, Charles T.; Nguyen, = Carla; O'Hare, Christine; Oishi, Craig; Olson, Cindy; Ong, Chuan; Ordway, C= hris; Paipanandiker, Chetan; Pendergrass, Cora; Pham, Christine; Plotkin, C= had; Potter, Chris; Rabon, Chance; Reister, Curtis; Rivers, Cynthia; Rondea= u, Clayton; Sanchez, Christina; Schultz, Cassandra; Schweigart, Christopher= ; Seigle, Clayton; Shoup, Cynthia; Slagle, Carrie; Sloan, Chris; Smith, Dal= e; Sonneborn, Chris; South, Chad; Southard, Carrie; Spears, Christopher; Sp= rowls, Cathy; Stark, Caron; Story, S. Craig; Sullivan, Colleen; Supatgiat, = Chonawee; Tackney, Conal; Torres, Carlos; Training User ID #23; Training Us= er ID #24; Training User ID #25; Training User ID #26; Training User ID #28= ; Training User ID #29; Training User ID #30; Unger, Chris; Vernon, Clayton= ; Viejou, Claire; Waingortin, Carolina; Walker, Chris; Wang, Cathy; Watts, = Christopher; Wiebe, Chris; Wilkinson, Chuck; Willis, Cory; Winfrey, Christa= ; Wright, Claire; Yoder, Christian; Diamond, Daniel; Dietrich, Dan; Dumayas= , Danthea - EI; Easterby, David; Eichinger, David; Espey, Darren; Fairley, = David; Falcone, Daniel; Fisher, David; Fraylon, Damon; Fuentes, Daryll; Fur= ey, Denise; Garrett, David - Nepco; Giron, Darron C.; Graham, Darryn; Grave= s, Donald; Gray, Dortha; Greenlee, Debny; Hall, Donnie; Hanslip, David; Har= dy, David; Haynes, Daniel; Henson, Daniel; Hornbuckle, Danial; Hyslop, Dani= el; Johnson, Doyle; Kang, Daniel; Karr, David; Kendrick, Darryl; Kenne, Daw= n C.; Khandker, Dayem; Kistler, Dave; Krishnamurthy, Deepak; Leach, Doug; L= isk, Daniel; Long, Deborah; Loosley, David; Mally, David; Maxwell, David; M= cAllister, Debbie; McCaffrey, Deirdre; McCairns, Dan; McCauley, Damon; McGo= ugh, Dennis; McNair, Darren; Merril, Deborah; Metts, Dan; Michels, David; M= iller, Douglas; Moseley, Debbie; Muthucumarana, Dishni; Myers, Donnie; Nels= on, Doug; Neuner, Dale; Nicholls, Debbie; Nicholson, Desrae; Oliver, David;= Paddack, Donald; Perlingiere, Debra; Plachy, Denver; Presley, Daniel; Prud= enti, Dan; Quigley, Dutch; Reck, Daniel; Ricafrente, David; Ripley, Dianne;= Adamo, Emily; Aucoin, Evelyn; Bass, Eric; Betzer, Evan; Boyt, Eric; Brady,= Edward; Breen, Erika; Castro, Edgar; Chilkina, Elena; Cross, Edith EES; En= g, Wang Moi; Escobar, Eloy; Feitler, Eric; Garcia, Erica; Groves, Eric; Her= nandez, Elizabeth L.; Hokmark, Erik; Howley, Elizabeth; Inglis, Elspeth; Ka= nouff, Erin; Katz, Elliott; Lenci, Enrique; Letke, Eric; Lew, Elsie; McLaug= hlin Jr., Errol; McMichael Jr., Ed; Metoyer, Evelyn; Moon, Eric; Navarro, E= lizabeth; Neyra-Helal, Emily; Nguyen, Elaine; Obayagbona, Edosa; Perez, Eug= enio; Piekielniak, Elsa; Ray, Edward; Rice, Erin A.; Sacerdote, Dean; Sacks= , Edward; Saibi, Eric; Salcido, Diane; Samuelson, David; Saucier, Darla; Sa= want, Darshana; Schield, Elaine; Schmidt, Darin; Scholtes, Diana; Schroeder= Jr., Don; Scott, Donna; Seib, Dianne; Sewell, Doug; Showers, Digna; Simmon= s, Daniel; Smith, Dana; Stadnick, David; Stephens, Danielle; Surbey, Dale; = Sutton, Donald; Swiber, Dianne J; Talley, Darin; Taylor, Deana G.; Taylor, = Dimitri; Teague, Darrell; Tran, Dung; Truong, Dat; Umbower, Denae; Vanek, D= arren; Vitrella, David J.; Watkins, Darrel; Wile, David; Williamson, Darrel= l; Wilson, Derek; Yuan, Ding; Zaccour, David; Adams, Gregory T.; Aley, Grah= am; Allen, Geoffrey; Arana, Guillermo; Ashmore, Garrett; Babbar, Gaurav; Ba= rkowsky, Gloria G.; Brazaitis, Greg; Breen, George; Bui, Francis; Calvert, = Gray; Carlson, Greg; Caudell, Greg; Cernosek Jr., Frank; Chang, Fran; Chapa= , George; Cohagan, Fred; Couch, Greg; Dayvault, Guy; Dillingham, Geynille; = Dunbar, Graham; Economou, Frank; Emesih, Gerald; Ermis, Frank; Fortunov, Ga= llin; Freshwater, Guy; George, Fraisy; Gilbert, George N.; Gilbert, Gerald;= Gilmour, Grant; Gonzales, Francis; Gonzalez, Gabriel; Grant, George; Guent= her, Geoff; Guo, Gloria; Gupta, Gautam; Hayden, Frank; Hickerson, Gary; Hog= an, Irena D.; Hoogendoorn, Frank; Hopley, George; Huan, George; Johnson, Gr= eg; Justice, Gary; Karbarz, Frank; Kettenbrink, Gail; Kubove, George; Kudha= il, Gurmeet; Lagrasta, Fred; Landau, Georgi; LaVallee, Gina; Law, Gary; Lin= d, Gregory; Mithani, Farid; Mitro, Fred; Negrete, Flavia; Newman, Frank G.;= Prejean, Frank; Presentation, Gas Control; Qavi, Faheem; Rank, Sabina; Sco= tt, Eric; Shaw, Eddie; Shim, Elizabeth; Simpson, Erik; Su, Ellen; Taylor, F= abian; Tow, Eva; Vicens, Emilio; Wallumrod, Ellen; Watts, Ebony; Webb, Eliz= abeth; Wetterstroem, Eric; Willis, Erin; Zoes, Florence; Alon, Heather; Ami= ry, Homan; Arora, Harry; Benjelloun, Hicham; Bertram, Hal; Chen, Hai; Conne= tt, Hugh; Cooke, Ian; Cubillos-Uejbe, Humberto; Daryanani, Honey; Dunton, H= eather; Elrod, Hal; Estrada, Israel; Gerry, Heidi; Goh, Han; Greig, Iain; H= ameed, Harris; Hendrickson, Hollis; Hickman, Harold; Jathanna, Hans; Kendal= l, Heather; Kroll, Heather; Lin, Homer; Lindley, Hilda; Liu, Ivan; Loh, Hua= n-Chiew; Lotz, Gretchen; Lynn, Garland; Mack III, Hillary; Mack, Iris; Malt= z, Ivan; Martin, Greg; Matthys, Glenn; Mcclellan, George; Mccormick, George= ; McCumber, Gary; McKinney, Hal; Mendoza, Genaro; Mirza, Husnain; Monroy, G= abriel; Moreira, Hugo; Nemec, Gerald; Nguyen, George; Ogunbunmi, Hakeem; Oo= , Hla Myint; Padavala, Giri; Patterson, Grant; Pentakota, Govind; Purcell, = Heather; Rivas, George; Rogers, Glenn; Saluja, Gurdip; Savage, Gordon; Scho= ckling, Gregory; Sharp, Gregory R (EGM); Shively, Hunter S.; Shore, Geraldi= ne; Simpson, George; Snyder, Horace; Solis, Gloria; Stadler, Gary; Steagall= , Gregory; Storey, Geoff; Subramaniam, Gopalakrishnan; Tan, Gladys; Taylor,= Gary; Tholen, Gail; Trefz, Greg; Tripp, Garrett; Whalley, Greg; Woloszyn, = Gina; Wong, Hans; Woulfe, Greg; Yu, Hong; Zambrano, Gina; Allario, John; Al= lison, John; Althaus, Jason; Alvar, John; Andrews, Jeff; Armstrong, James; = Arnold, John; Bagwell, Jennifer J; Ballentine, John; Barker, James R.; Bati= st, James; Bekeng, Jan-Erland; Bennett, Joel; Best, John; Biever, Jason; Bl= achman, Jeremy; Blaine, Jay; Bowman, John E; Brysch, Jim; Buchanan, John; B= uss, JD; Casas, Joe A.; Cassidy, John; Chen, James N; Chismar, John; Cho, J= ae; Choate, Jason; Choe, Joon; Cline, Jesse; Cobb, Jeff; Cobb, Julie; Cole,= Jim; Cornett, Justin; Coyle, John; Crook, Jody; Cutaia, Jennifer; Cyprow, = Jarrod; Day, Justin; Defenbaugh, John; Dietrich, Janet; Disturnal, John; Do= an, Jad; Dua, Jatinder; Errigo, Joe; Espinoza, Javier; Fallon, Jim; Fayett,= Juana; Ferrara, Julie; Fischer, Jason; Forney, John M.; Fraser, Jennifer; = Galan, Joseph M.; Gamblin, Jeff; Garvey, Jason; Godbold, John; Gordon, Joe;= Goughary, Jim; Grass, John; Greene, John; Griffith, John; Gualy, Jaime; Gu= an, Julie; Guerra, Jesus; Harding, Jason; Hayes, John; Heinlen, Jonathan; H= elton, Jenny; Henderlong, Jon; Henderson, John; Hernandez, Judy; Hess, Jurg= en; Hewes, Joanna P; Hirl, Joseph; Hodge, John; Hoff, Jonathan; Homco, Jim;= Hopson, Jill; Horne, Jonathan; Huff, Jeff; Hungerford, James; Hunter, Juli= a; Hunter, Larry Joe; Jackson, Jeffrey; Jacobsen, John; Jahnke, John; Jesso= p, Jaimie; Ji, Jie; Johnston, Jamey; Jordan, Jay; Joyce, Jane; Kaiser, Jare= d; Kaniss, Jason; Khanani, Junaid; Kilgo, Jason; Kimbrough, Jona; King, Jef= f; Kinser, John; Knoblauh, Jay; Kratzer, John; Latham, Jenny; Lee, Jennifer= ; Lennard, Jonathan; Leo, Johnson; Lewis, Jeff; Lieskovsky, Jozef; Liu, Jim= ; Lyons, Jeff; Martin, Ingrid; Martin, Jabari; Massey II, John; Mckay, Jona= than; Mcnair, Jason; McPherson, John; Mills, Jana; Molinaro, Jeffrey; Moore= , Jerry Thomas; Morse, Jana; Mrha, Jean; Munoz, John; Newgard, Jim; Nguyen,= Jennifer; Nguyen, John H.; Nieten, Joseph; Nogid, Jeff; Norman, Ina; Nowla= n Jr., John L.; Oljar, John; Paliatsos, John; Parker, Jeffery; Parks, Joe; = Patterson, Jessie; Pechersky, Julie; Petri, Ingrid; Post, James; Quenet, Jo= e; Rangel, Ina; Reese, Jeanette; Reitmeyer, Jay; Resendez, Isabel Y.; Richt= er, Jeff; Riley, Jennifer; Robertson, Jim; Rodriguez, Isaac; Royed, Jeff; S= aladino, Jane; Sarnowski, Julie; Scarborough, John; Skilling, Jeff; Syed, I= mran Cc:=09McAuliffe, Bob; Croucher Jr, Mike; Burchfield, Richard; Matson, Randy= ; Stevens, Wilford; Wells, Malcolm; Ambrocik, Bob; Morehead, Lee; Uribe, Ca= rlos; DeRidder, Adam; Brewer, Charles; Tang, Mable; Charbonnet, Clement; Og= g, Jim; James, Matthew Subject:=09Solar Migration - Very Important Importance:=09High =09During the weekend of October 6 and 7, 2001 the Enterprise Storage Team = will be migrating all production users off the current hardware (Solar) tha= t houses their home and application directories (no production databases ar= e effected) to new hardware.=09 =09This migration requires a total system outage of approximately 4 hours. = The outage will occur Friday night - Saturday morning between the hours of= Midnight to 4:00 AM. All users will need to be logged off during this tim= e period. If this is not possible, contact Adam DeRidder (x3-1428) or Carl= os Uribe (x5-8179) as soon as possible. =09In order to validate the migration, production users need to test access= to their home directories and applications on Saturday, October 7 and Sund= ay, October 8, 2001. =09As part of the migration plan, the Storage Team needs volunteers from th= e production community to test the new environment. The test will only req= uire approximately 15-30 minutes to complete. Adam DeRidder and Carlos Uri= be have setup a test lab on the 34th floor for this purpose. Contact Adam = to setup a time. Your involvement will help make this a successful migrati= on. =09A list of contacts will be made available on Thursday, October 5, 2001. = Please use this list to report issues and check the status of the migratio= n. Bob Ambrocik Enterprise Storage Team EB 3429F x5-4577 bob.ambrocik@enron.com