Enron Mail

Subject:FW: cockfight arena
Date:Fri, 9 Nov 2001 03:50:48 -0800 (PST)

Funny, huh. Love you!
Angelica Paez <ampaez@earthlink.net<
From: markallen <markallen@markallen.com<
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 10:03:58 -0800
To: Recipient List Suppressed:;
Subject: cockfight arena
Hello friends. I'm engaged in yet another bizarre art event. I hope
to see you there. Details below <<<
00< Cockfight Arena <00
C-level, Chinatown Los Angeles
Saturday Nov. 10th
7pm - 11pm
The creators of Tekken Torture Tournament are proud to bring you
Cockfight Arena. A one night parade of sweat and adrenaline pitting
viewer against viewer in brutal virtual cockfighting theatre. After
entering our dimly lit basement space, audience volunteers will don
custom-made wireless game controllers with full sized wings and
feathered helmets. Combatants will step into an arena to control
their life size game avatars through vigorous flapping and pecking,
competing for blood and birdfeed while rapaciously inflicting
onscreen bodily harm.
Cockfight Arena is free and open to the public. Gambling and smoking
will be permitted. No animals or humans were injured in the
production of this event.
C-level is a cooperative public and private lab formed to share
physical, social and technological resources. Its members are
artists, programmers, writers, designers, agit-propers, filmmakers
and reverse-engineers. Part studio, part club, part stage and part
screen; C-Level is located in a basement in Chinatown Los Angeles and
plays host to various events such as screenings, performances,
lectures, debates, dances, readings and tournaments.
For directions and information about c-level go to :
Tekken Torture Tournament:
More Cockfight Arena:
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