Enron Mail

Subject:OnePass Offers - Fall Reward Sale
Date:Thu, 18 Oct 2001 13:04:50 -0700 (PDT)

[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Thursday, October 18, 2001 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
Get Away From It All - For less miles than ever! Reward Sale Pack a bag a=
nd jump on a plane with our latest international Fall Reward Sale. We're di=
scounting the number of miles needed for travel to select destinations in L=
atin America, Mexico and Japan. Visit onepass.continental.com for compl=
ete details. Receive 15,000 OnePass Bonus Miles for Investing With CSFBdi=
rect CSFBdirect Now investing online can take you farther than ever before=
! Jet ahead 15,000 miles when you open a new CSFBdirect account with a depo=
sit or transfer of $5000 or more. You'll get the experience and research to=
ols of CSFBdirect and 6 other independent sources. Plus, you'll be 15,000 O=
nePass miles closer to your next destination. What a great investment! T=
o sign up or learn more, visit www.CSFBdirect.com/15000miles . Change A =
Life. Donate Your OnePass Miles. Gordon Bethune, Chairman and CEO of Conti=
nental Airlines, is proud to chair the 2001-2002 United Way of the Texas Gu=
lf Coast Community Campaign. Please join him in supporting Houston-area Uni=
ted Way agencies by donating your OnePass miles to United Way. United Way=
United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast touches one out of every two lives in o=
ur community by: Helping young people grow to their full potential Stren=
gthening families Creating safe neighborhoods Giving seniors independence=
Helping to rebuild lives Play an important role in your community. Si=
mply donate your miles today at onepass.continental.com . If you need as=
sistance please visit: www.continental.com/service This message was sent t=
o: john.griffith@enron.com View our Privacy Policy [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [=