Enron Mail

Date:Mon, 22 Oct 2001 12:13:16 -0700 (PDT)

of course i will do it! =20

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Griffith, John =20
Sent:=09Monday, October 22, 2001 2:13 PM
To:=09Villarreal, Alexandra

You do not have to apologize to me. I understand completely. It is stress=
ful for me as well. I hope your little friend doesn't bother you too much.

By the way, if you don't feel like picking me up at the dealership I unders=
tand. It is a fairly long drive for you. Just let me know. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Villarreal, Alexandra =20
Sent:=09Monday, October 22, 2001 1:27 PM
To:=09Griffith, John

i dont know why, but at first it felt a little awkward yesterday when we we=
re going into my house. it felt as though i was sneaking a boy into my roo=
m. i hope i didnt make you feel uncomfortable. i was so happy that you ca=
me by and that i was able to see you and hold you comfortably at last. i g=
uess i didnt really know how to react b/c my roommates were home. dont get=
me wrong. they are really awesome people. they dont care who comes over.=
i think it has been quite a while since i brought "male"company over thou=
gh. they probably would have been excited for me. i think it was just me =
who was feeling strange. i am really really close to my cousin shelly, but=
i dont really want her to know what is going on between us. i guess i sti=
ll feel somewhat awkward with you being married and all and then being at m=
y house - and with things progressing as they are between us. i just feel =
strange. like this "feels right", but it "is not right". i really enjoy =
being with you, but i guess i'd be much more at ease if you were not attac=
hed. i am sorry to mention this all over again. i know it is the last thi=
ng you need to hear on a monday morning. i dont know what your plans are -=
and you probably dont know what your plans for the future are as your marr=
iage is concerned. and you dont need to answer me. i am not asking for a=
n answer or explanation - just venting i guess. i hope you understand whe=
re i am coming from. do you ever experience this? this odd feeling that=
i am experiencing?

i dont know. maybe i dont know what i am talking about. maybe b/c "my li=
ttle friend" is visiting i tend to be a little more sensitive than usual. =
i feel so uncomfortable today - maybe that is more info than you need to k=
now, right now. sorry......i guess its a female thing....... : - (

well i hope that the rest of your day goes well.=20

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Griffith, John =20
Sent:=09Monday, October 22, 2001 7:53 AM
To:=09Villarreal, Alexandra

Hey what is going on? How did you sleep last nite. I didn't sleep well. =
I had weird dreams. Anyway, I had a wonderful time yesterday. I hope you =
did as well. You have a very nice room. Everything a person needs. A nic=
e soft bed, a tv, a closet, a computer and a nice soft bed, oh did I mentio=
n that already, I guess that is on my mind. =20

Have a wonderful day and I will talk to you soon.

I might need a ride today, are you still okay with that? I have to call th=
e dealership when they open. Thank you for offering.