Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Just Checking
Date:Fri, 25 Jan 2002 08:07:34 -0800 (PST)

Hey John,

Clearly having any job is better than none, but I am curious how y'all are viewing the UBS acquisition. If a clear break from Enron can be achieved quickly, that would be a beautiful thing. However, it is hard to imagine that will be possible. Thoughts? I have been talking with Fairley, but I am curious if there was anything that left a bad taste in your mouth from your meetings with him. My resume has already been sent to most of the energy companies, but I have received zip responses. The Enron Effect has really confused the market. I have not lost hope, but if I do not start seeing some movement by the end of February I will begin to worry. I still hope to stay in energy and to stay in Houston, but if February proves to be a dead month, I will start considering relocating. What a friggin' mess. Where are y'all going to be located?

Hopefully, you have been able to put some of this behind you and enjoy the forced "slow time". I played golf last week, but I had to use someone's clubs and it completely screwed me (I wouldn't even consider what I was doing "golf"). Oh well, back to the range.

Keep in touch,
----- Original Message -----
From: <John.Griffith@enron.com <
To: <mgimble@houston.rr.com <
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 11:30 AM
Subject: RE: Just Checking
< I have received an offer from UBS and I have basically accepted. I am not
< required to sign a contract. I am an employee at will. How are you doing?
< Any leads?
< -----Original Message-----
< From: "Mathew M Gimble" <mgimble@houston.rr.com<@ENRON
< Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 1:11 PM
< To: Griffith, John
< Subject: Just Checking
< Griff,
< Had lunch with Fairley the other day and was wondering how things are
< going with you. Are you going with UBS? What's going on?
< Mathew
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