What do you mean you are there "for the time being"? Wouldn't your position be maintained when the trading group is acquired? I would think that as long as J Arnold has a say you would be included. Am I incorrect? Things in Unemployment Land are pretty surreal. When I stop and think about the hours that I put in only to be laid off...go figure. However, I try not to dwell in areas where I had no control. I have been flooding my resume throughout the Houston-based energy companies to no avail. There is no telling when the "Enron Effect" will wear off on the capital markets, so I might have to consider a different industry (know of any good antique shops that need a full time cashier?)
I tried to enjoy the holidays, but I constantly kept an eye on my inbox and carried my cell phone everywhere just in case. As you can imagine, not completely relaxing. The good news is that I am going to Florida Sunday to visit a friend, run on the beach, drink heavily and hopefully play golf. Have you been able to play? When all of this gets resolved, you and I definitely need to hit the links (as long as you don't mind me wandering through the woods most of the time).
Please keep me posted on your plans and I look forward to getting together sometime soon.