Enron Mail

Date:Thu, 15 Nov 2001 08:37:15 -0800 (PST)


I want to thank you so much for all you work on the trade blotter. We are getting close here. I put together a list of items to get the thing completely operational. Below is the list and maybe we could talk today to discuss. Thanks.


- rearrange the deal input screen
- have Amy's sheet pull deals from access database
- get Mike Maggi's computer set up for the access database
- build a spreadsheet to take a snapshot of the blotter for Mike Maggi
- set up a default month for the deal input screen (possibly an input on the spreadsheet)
- have deal input screen popup on the screen that the spreadsheet is open in
- on morning macro, include clear trades, clear charm, clear theta and clear recon numbers
- separate price and vol on the Fetch Curves button
- delete evening macro
- add button for settle prices
- add button to print position, pnl, options and swap pages (one button)
- test multiple user input on the deal input spreadsheet

This list might look like alot, but I think most items will only take a few minutes to correct or change. Let me know when you get a chance to sit down and talk about this. Thanks.

John Griffith