Enron Mail

To:barry.tycholiz@enron.com, mike.grigsby@enron.com, paul.bieniawski@enron.com,eva.rainer@enron.com, steven.south@enron.com, jay.reitmeyer@enron.com, frank.ermis@enron.com, paul.lucci@enron.com, dave.fuller@enron.com, stephanie.miller@enron.com
Subject:Questar Pipeline's Southwest Wyoming Storage Project Open Season
Date:Tue, 1 May 2001 06:01:00 -0700 (PDT)

----- Forwarded by Mark Whitt/NA/Enron on 05/01/2001 12:58 PM -----

"Brent Kitchen" <BrentK@questar.com<
04/30/2001 05:10 PM

To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Questar Pipeline's Southwest Wyoming Storage Project Open Season

Questar Pipeline Company is holding an open season to determine the
feasibility of constructing a salt cavern storage facility near Evanston,
Wyoming to provide firm natural gas storage service. This facility will
provide multiple cycle, high deliverability storage service that will be
connected to several interstate pipelines.

All interested parties are invited to submit requests during the open season,
which will begin on Wednesday, May 2, 2001 and close on Friday, June 1,
2001. Depending on customer interest and the scope of the project, the firm
storage is anticipated to be in service by June 1, 2004.

A description of the open season, including application requirements, is
attached to this message in Microsoft Word format. The Precedent Agreement
form is also attached as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. The Precedent Agreement
must be completed and e-mailed or faxed to Questar Pipeline by 5 p.m. on
Friday, June 1, 2001. Questar Pipeline's fax number is (801) 324-2980.
Precedent Agreements for the storage service should be faxed to Attention:
Tom Myrberg.

If you are unable to open the PDF file containing the Precedent Agreement and
would like us to fax you a copy, please call Derbie Flygare at 801-324-2041
or Mary Kay Olson at 801-324-5873.

Additional information about the open season can be obtained online at
http://www.questarpipeline.com/html/marketing.html or by calling Tom Myrberg
at 801-324-2978, Mary Kay Olson at 801-324-5873, or Shelley Wright at

Click here to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader:

- SWWSTORA2_1.doc
- SaltCavern_1.pdf