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???? THE DAILY TEASE - Exercise Your Mind ????
Wednesday, May 9, 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------ Subscribe for FREE and get The Daily Tease delivered daily. Visit: <a href=3D" http://www.shagmail.com/sub/sub-tease.html "<Subscribe</a< ------------------------------------------------------------ Hello Everyone It is a beautiful day here in the outskirts of Chicago. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and can you believe the Chicago Cubs are actually in first place. That is truly a miracle. Maybe with all this luck in the air, I should run out and buy a lottery ticket. So, if I am not here tom- orrow, you know I quit my job to run and buy a condo in the Bahamas, and drink Margaritas by the sea. Hey, a girl can still dream, can't she? ;) Keep those brain waves churning! Janie _________________________________________________ ***** Janie's Mind Scrambler ***** (#81) To some I can hold treasure, To others most displeasure. I am always near you, Yet always far. I am done when I begin, And begin when I end. What am I? Submit your answer by visiting: http://www.thedailytease.com ------------------------------------------------------ Mind Scrambler Tally: Correct - 51 Incorrect - 499 ------------------------------------------------------ ,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_ .-:*'``'*:-.,_ +----- Lose WEIGHT - Feel GREAT with Papaya Enzymes -----+ You probably have read about this stuff in the tabloids, but now you can take what many in Hollywood are taking to keep weight off. Papaya Tablets have been used for years as a digestive aid. They=01,re SAFE and affordable. Only $5.99/bottle! To order click below: http://ads.pulsetv.com/al/a?aid=3D4&ent=3D2 <a href=3D"http://ads.pulsetv.com/al/a?aid=3D4&ent=3D2"< AOL Users Click Here</a< _,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_.-:*'``'*:-.,_ TODAY'S TEASE (#740) [The Mammoth Puzzle Carnival] This puzzle tests your powers of observation. It's so tough it'll knock you into the middle of next week," warns Lateral Larry. "Here is a series of six words. They don't seem to have any- thing in common. Yet, there is one word, and only one word, that will continue the hidden logic." "I'll even tell you that the word I am looking for is the name of a season in the Christian calendar. Now does that help you?" What word finishes the sequence? COSMONAUT STATUETTE SWEDE ENTHUSE BOYFRIEND VERSATILE ? _________________________________________ SCROLL DOWN TO FIND THE SOLUTION _________________________________________ ,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_ .-:*'``'*:-.,_ A Real American Classic! Get the best of Gershwin for FREE! You know his music. George Gershwin is one of America's most influential composers. Even seventy years after their release his songs are still featured in hugely popular movies like "When Harry Met Sally" and "Mr. Holland's Opus." The George Gershwin Collection includes all the favorites like Girl Crazy, I loves you porgy, Rhapsody in Blue and many more. All you pay is S&H of $4.99 per CD. Visit: http://ads.pulsetv.com/al/a?aid=3D4&ent=3D176 <a href=3D"http://ads.pulsetv.com/al/a?aid=3D4&ent=3D176"< George Gershwin Collection on CD</a< _,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_.-:*'``'*:-.,_ At least one answer to today's tease: WHITSUNTIDE, because all of the words have an abbreviation for a day of the week in the middle of them, i.e. cosMONaut, staTUEtte, sWEDe, enTHUse, and so on. [I am sure some of you will seek to prove Lateral Larry wrong and that there is more than one right answer. Let me know if you have any luck. :)] ********************* Readers Comments ********************* Hi Janie, For what it's worth, the answer to the riddle you published was correct. The calculation is called a geometric series, which can be summated over an infinite number of terms. Just as it is impossible for the rabbit to stick its head out of both sides of the box simultaneously, so is it impossible for it to do anything in an infinitely small measure of time. However, THEORETICALLY (and that's all we're talking here), if you could keep splitting 1 minute by halves down to an infinitely small measure, your last measure would be 0 (after an infinity of splits). Therefore the sum of these times would be 2, the initial minute, plus the half minute, quarter minute and so on to infinity. As Buzz Lightyear might say - "To infinity AND BEYOND!" Cheers P.S. What's more of a puzzle is why your readers don't know the difference between "its" and "it's". **** The rabbit in the log tease is a direct reference to one of Zeno of Eleas four paradoxes. Zenos first parodox was that all motion was impossible because in order to reach your destination you must first reach the halfway point. Then treat the halfway point as the new starting point and repeat the logic, ie the next step you must reach the 1/4 pont, then the 1/8 point... ect. using this logic it is impossible for anything to ever move anywhere. Whats the problem with this logic? It dosn't allow for a fundamental aspect of calculus, that of infinity and zero. So if you were in calculus 101 class and they gave you the rabbit in the log tease as a home work problem you whold know to take limit of the sum of 1+1/2n as n goes to infinity and come up with the answer that the rabbit will have its head out of both sides of the log as a time of 2 minutes. Its some how good to know that a self-taught counrty boy who proposed his paradoxes around 500 BC is still baffleing people 2500 years later! love the teases, Cris **** Cute pun, but a rabbit and a hare are different animals. The defining difference being that a hare's young are born with their eyes open, with hair and able to hop a little shortly after birth, whereas a rabbit is born hairless (hareless? sorry couldn't resist!) blind and helpless. Hares: http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=3D40059&tocid=3D0 Rabbits: http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=3D63924 A lot of the times the names are used for the wrong animal, for instance, the Blacktailed Jackrabbit is actually a hare, and the Belgian Hare is really a rabbit. _ Kelly [Thank you all for your informative responses. :)] **** A Jane Barbe Fan club When I found out the Jane Barbe was the one that made that recording of all thouse Time messages. I sent a message to all my relative and friends that I was starting up a Jane Barbe Fan club. And heres why! She did a remarkable job I listen to every one of her time messages this morning and last night and you would thing you might hear her taking a drink of water or eating a bite of food. But she was flawless. I had a hard time staying awake for 24 hours as she did that whole thing. My ear could only make it for 4 hours before I got the Idea to put it on the speaker phone. How old is she do you have any auto graphed pictures ? Thank You Leland [I am sorry I don't have any other information on her. I am sure if she is out there and reading this, she will be very honored to have such a devoted fan. :)] [And thank you all for writing in. I hope to hear more from all of you in the future! :)] ------------------------------------------------------------ Questions? Comments? Email us at: <a href=3D" mailto:janie@thedailytease.com "<Email Janie</a< ------------------------------------------------------------ To UNSUBSCRIBE visit: <a href=3D" http://www.shagmail.com/unsub/tease.html "<Unsubscribe</a< SPECIAL NOTE: If you are having problems unsubscribing, I apologize for the inconvenience. Please send your unsubscribe requests directly to me at janie@thedailytease.com and I will take care of them as soon as possible for you. Thank you for your patience. *********************************************************** To SUBSCRIBE send blank email to: <a href=3D" http://www.shagmail.com/sub/sub-tease.html "<Subscribe</a< or Visit: <a href=3D" http://www.laffaday.com/tforms/3.html "<Subscribe</a< ************************************************************ Want some Fun and Amusements sent by email FREE! Visit: <a href=3D" http://www.shagmail.com "<FREE Newsletters</a< ************************************************************ END OF THE DAILY TEASE - http://www.thedailytease.com Another FREE ShagMail publication: http://www.shagmail.com Copyright 2001 by Pulse Direct, Inc. All rights reserved. Feel free to forward this, in its entirety, to others. --- You are currently subscribed to tease as: MIKE.GRIGSBY@ENRON.COM