Enron Mail

Subject:[NEWSRELEASES-LIST] May 12, 2001 News Release
Date:Mon, 14 May 2001 02:50:00 -0700 (PDT)

For immediate release: May 12, 2001
Media Contact: Rob Schlichting * (916) 654-4989


Sacramento -- The California Energy Commission has scheduled a hearing and
site tour for members of the public and other parties interested in learning
about a 180-megawatt summer reliability generation facility proposed for
construction this summer on the grounds of the California Institution for Men
in Chino.

The Pegasus Project in San Bernardino County is being proposed by Pegasus
Power Partners, LLC, part of Delta Power Company LLC. The simple cycle
peaking facility would consist of four 45-megawatt natural gas-fired turbines
equipped with state-of-the-art air pollution control features. Three of the
four units would be producing power by September 30, 2001, with the fourth
unit coming on-line by March 31, 2002. All four units are being considered
under the Energy Commission's emergency process, which should take
approximately 21 days to complete.


A site tour and informational hearing was held on the project on Wednesday,
May 16, 2001.

Site Visit
Assemble at 5:30 p.m.
Chino City Hall
13220 Central Avenue
Chino, California
Sacramento, CA
(Bus transportation will be provided to proposed site.)

Informational Hearing
Beginning at approximately 6:30 p.m., following the site visit.
Chino City Hall
13220 Central Avenue
Chino, California
Sacramento, CA
(Wheelchair Accessible)

Landowners, members of the general public and interested agencies are
encouraged to participate in the site visit and the informational hearing on
the licensing of the proposed Pegasus project.

Since this site visit will be conducted inside the California Institute for
Men, waivers and special restrictions on dress may be required of those
taking the tour. Please consult the Energy Commission's Public Advisor,
Roberta Mendonca, no later than May 14, 2001, for details before signing up.
Her office can be contacted by e-mail at . Her office can also assist
interested individuals and organizations and provide information on
participating in the Commission's emergency siting process. For information
about proposed projects in Southern California, call (800) 273-4459.

Typically, peakers are simple-cycle power plants that can be constructed in a
relatively small area and can be readily connected to existing transmission
and natural-gas systems. For the Pegasus Project, these systems already exist
nearby because of a 27-megawatt cogeneration power plant that operates at the
California Institution for Men.

The Pegasus Project applied to the Energy Commission's emergency siting
process to meet this summer'selectricity needs. The goal of the emergency
process is to license power plants that can be on-line by September 30, 2001,
without sacrificing the public's health or safety or California's environment.

The Commission's Public Adviser, Roberta Mendonca, can assist interested
individuals and organizations and provide information on participating in the
Commission's emergency siting process. Persons may contact Ms. Mendonca by
e-mail at . For information regarding proposed projects in Northern
California, call (877) 602-4747. For information about projects proposed in
Southern California, call (800) 273-4459.

Information about the proposed project is available on the Energy
Commission's Web Site at:


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