Enron Mail |
#94522F-SCL-EPMI-SEMPRA-PWX-BPA(T)MALIN/JD #341550F-BPA(T)JD/BCB #10030NF-PWX-BCPS01-BCH(T)BCB/SYS #257654NF-BCPS01-BCHYDRO@SYS : 50MW HLH AT COB N/S. Buy deal #s: 528046, 528048. Sell deal #: 74885.2 Seattle called in this schedule to BPA incorrectly. They tried call BPA with the correction by their 2pm deadline, but got voice mail. Therefore, if BPA does not accept the schedule change/correction, SCL will call it in on Real-time. Even so, it should be transparent to RT. Thanks, Donald.