Enron Mail |
I had along talk with Joel at Cargill today and discussed future business opportunities with them. As everybody that worked this weekend knows Cargill has been buying from EL PASO at way above market all Saturday and Sunday. They are taking this power to MARKETPLACE where LA Trannie is taking it to NOB S/N. They are selling this power to utilities in the NW for a low price. They do no do to much business in the West and don't have our knowledge and connections. I told Joel that we would be very interested in buying this from him at a competitive price. Whoever works Monday day needs to set up a BPA Account for LADWP - SNO account on the DC with Enron paying everything. I also discussed the posibility of us selling them power at MEAD. They would not want the 7MW scraps from LV, but are very interested in the LV 50MW pieces from 11-16. This could be a good way of selling LV at a very good price. I do believe they have this trannie all month and this could be a really sweat deal for us. So lets be "fair" to these guys as I am sure once we get to know them there are other things we can do with them. Cargill Telephone# 952-984-3865. Before we are certain who is leaving and who is staying it might not be the best idea to talk to loud about this as we do not necessarily want this to be known to everybody. Geir