Enron Mail

To:portland.shift@enron.com, john.forney@enron.com
Subject:Do the LOOP.
Date:Fri, 20 Oct 2000 11:18:00 -0700 (PDT)

We should see if we could set up the loop this weekend going from 4C to NP15.
Here is a new possibility for a loop that is available most days. I tried to
set it up Friday but came back and said there was no room after telling me
all day there was room on the line. Here is the recipe:

Pac Trannie from 4c to Gonder.
SPP Trannie from Gonder to Summit. (SPP's trannie desk is 775-834-3909).
ISO import at summit.

There is supposedly 25-30 MW room on the Gonder-Summit line. The price is
I think this can be a great alternative for the loop through IPC or MPC. I
was not able to schedule any of those two lines today because everything
going north is full.
