Enron Mail

Subject:EES--CAISO Notice - Distribution of Funds for January Preliminary
Date:Thu, 12 Apr 2001 01:27:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Bill Williams III
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We need to sell all the EES all the time.
The imbalance is always zero...it doesn't matter what the beep prints(unless
its negative-then you can bet we will get charged!!!).

Any ideas, or advice for them?
Let me know.


---------------------- Forwarded by Bill Williams III/PDX/ECT on 04/12/2001
08:29 AM ---------------------------
To: Bill Williams III/PDX/ECT@ECT
cc: Daniel Kang/HOU/EES@EES, Jubran Whalan/HOU/EES@EES

Subject: CAISO Notice - Distribution of Funds for January Preliminary Invo ice


We are still in a bad position with the ISO. I have noticed that you have
not been able to sell all of our length in the real time market. Given the
below statement by the ISO we would ask your traders to get as aggressive as
possible on the sales (ie just sell it) . Receiving cents on the dollar from
the ISO is not a sound business proposition for us. Do you have any ideas,
we welcome your advice ....


---------------------- Forwarded by Neil Bresnan/HOU/EES on 04/12/2001 07:22
AM ---------------------------

"Woertz, Byron" <BWoertz@caiso.com< on 04/11/2001 06:31:30 PM
To: ISO Market Participants
cc: SC Settlements Contacts
Subject: CAISO Notice - Distribution of Funds for January Preliminary Invo ice

ISO Market Participants:
Cash clearing related to the preliminary invoice for January
2001 was scheduled for April 3, 2001. Due to a shortfall in receipts from
market debtors, the ISO was required to perform calculations in accordance
with ISO Tariff Section 11 and Settlements and Billing Protocol ("SABP")
Section 6 to determine the appropriate pro-rata distributions to scheduling
coordinators. These calculations have been completed, and a distribution of
available funds was made today.
A total distribution of $5,980,329 was made against accounts
payable of $835,450,697, resulting in a pay-out percentage of 0.7%. Total
market related collections were $12,952,985, which were reduced to the
$5,940,329 to cover GMC short-payments and other adjustments.
The ISO will provide a comprehensive reporting of the
January preliminary settlement later this week, and will thereafter
distribute a current certification of amounts owed.
Phil Leiber
Dir. Financial Planning & Treasurer
California ISO
916 351-2168
916-351-2259 (fax)

Byron B. Woertz, Jr.
Director, Client Relations
(916) 608-7066
(800) 481-7037 - Pager