Enron Mail

Subject:EnTouch Newsletter
Date:Thu, 18 Jan 2001 15:17:00 -0800 (PST)


Global Risk Management Operations
Operational Risk Management was the topic of an information session held la=
week for all managers and above in ENW who support trading operations for E=
EIM and EGM in Houston, Portland and Calgary. Operations professionals, wh=
manage risk book reporting and analysis, confirmations, physical product=20
scheduling and cash management reaffirmed their roles in effectively=20
accessing, managing and mitigating operational risk. This focus on=20
operational risk management will ensure the quality of EWS' earnings, and=
support a platform for continuing growth across all commodities in 2001.

Steel Origination=20
Since its inception in September, the steel group has grown to over 40=20
people. They have contacted the majority of the key industry players and=
received positive feedback. Additionally, the group has executed both=20
physical and financial trades and has 10 products posted on EnronOnline.

Steel prices are at a 20-year low, several large producers have recently=20
filed for bankruptcy protection, and capital is scarce. The industry needs=
both liquidity and price risk management. At this time, Enron is the only=
company offering these products. A middle-market group has recently been=20
formed, which will allow the originators to focus on longer term deals with=
embedded capital. The biggest challenge is bringing the "old economy "=20
incumbents up to speed on derivatives. There may also be some credit issues=
Stay tuned for cash flow and earnings.

Congratulations to the new Managing Directors and Vice Presidents in=20

Managing Director =01) Commercial
Phillip K. Allen, West Gas Trading Timothy J. Detmering, Corporate=20
Development Joseph M. Deffner, Treasury & Funding=20
Timothy N. Belden, West Power Trading William D. Duran, Generation=20
Investments Phillip R. Milnthorp, Canada Origination=20
Christopher F. Calger, West Power Origination =20

Managing Director =01) Commercial Support
Sally W. Beck, Energy Operations Management=20

Vice President =01) Commercial =20
Albert E. McMichael, Jr., Gas Commodity Structuring Christopher Mahoney,=20
Liquids Trading Kevin J. McGowan, Coal
Niamh Clarke, Liquids Trading Lloyd D. Miller, Portfolio Management Joh=
A. Zufferli, Canada Power Trading
Derek J. Davies, Canada Origination Per A. Sekse, Global Risk Markets =20
Rogers Herndon, East Power Trading
Mark D. Davis, Jr., East Power Trading Mark Tawney, Weather Trading =20
Michael D. Grigsby, West Gas Trading=20
Paul Devries, Canada Origination Barry L. Tycholiz, West Gas=
Origination Mark Whitt, West Gas Origination
Christopher H. Foster, West Power Trading Frank W. Vickers, East Gas=20
Origination =20

Vice President =01) Commercial Support
Laura Scott, Canada Accounting Richard C. Sherman, Transaction Support=
Georganne M. Hodges, Trading, Origination & Power Plant Accounting=20

Vice President =01) Specialized Technical=20
Peter C. Keohane, Canada Legal Elizabeth A. Sager, Physical Trading =20
Pinnamaneni V. Krishnarao, Research Group Richard B. Sanders, Litigation
Travis McCullough, Finance Origination & Mergers/Acquisitions

Weekly EnronOnline Figures
Below are figures for EnronOnline as of January 12, 2001.

* Total Life to Date Transactions < 560,000
* Life to Date Notional Value of Transactions < $340 million=20

The Energy Power & Risk Management/Risk 2000 Commodity Derivatives Rankings=
have been announced and once again Enron is at the top of the list. Our=20
rankings are:

Number 1 in the following categories:

North American Natural Gas - Nymex Look-alike Swaps
North American Natural Gas - Basis Swaps
North American Natural Gas - Nymex Look-alike Options
North American Natural Gas - Basis Options
UK Natural Gas - Options
UK and EU Electricity - Swaps (UK)
UK and EU Electricity - Swaps (Europe)
UK and EU Electricity - Options (UK)

Number 2 in the following categories:

Gasoline - Swaps (Americas)
North American Electricity - Swaps (North American - Eastern)
North American Electricity - Options (North American - Eastern)
Weather Derivatives - North American Swaps
Weather Derivatives - North American Options

Congratulations to all of the commercial teams responsible for this great=


"There is always a way, if you're committed." - Mike McConnell/President &=

"We don't have any direct competitors. It's more fun to sell when you're n=
being shopped. Are you with me? " - Brad Dunn, Vice President - Steel=20


New Hires
ENA - Bart Burk, Catalina Cardenas
EGM - Shereka Jefferson, Armando Lira

EGM - Wayne Kimball
EIM - Kimberly Bergen, Jay Boudreaux, Cedric Burgher, Kristen Hanson, Lauri=
Lee, Douglas Parsons


UK Gas Update
This week the Bacton- Zeebrugge Interconnector surprised the market by=20
switching flow direction from UK Import to Export despite European spot=20
prices being lower than UK prices. The Interconnector's operating rules=20
allow this to happen at present. Several shippers are lobbying to have thes=
rules amended to be able to react more quickly to market forces. This flow=
direction switch coincided with the recent cold snap increasing demand=20
substantially to 430mcm which in turn has resulted in a surge in prompt UK=
prices. =20

EOL activity during this period has been particularly active as we benefit=
from the increased volatility in the market.=20

Enron has several fuel switching options at our Teesside installations whic=
we use to protect our positions.

Fine weather in Japan
Over the New Year, Enron Japan completed a weather transaction with BTM,=20
which acted as a broker to the deal. The deal, whereby we bought the optio=
involved a Jan/Feb average temperature call with a maximum payout of 500 mi=
JPY. The transaction acted as a trigger leading to further transactions. =
While not a major deal financially, this deal is significant as it offers a=
indication that the Japanese weather market is developing and is growing in=
size. Takuro Shioda in our Tokyo office did a great job during the=20
negotiations. =20

TPS Gains ISO 14001 Accreditation
On 30th November Teesside Power Station gained accreditation to the=20
internationally recognised Environmental Management System (EMS) ISO 14001=

ISO 14001 is an international standard that specifies the requirements for =
environmental management system that TPS had to meet in order to achieve=20
third-party certification. The accreditation will encourage cultural change=
by establishing disciplines that ensure policy objectives are met and a=20
continual improvement in environmental performance is achieved.


The information contained in this newsletter is confidential and proprietar=
to Enron Corp. and its subsidiaries. It is intended for internal use only=
and should not be disclosed.