Enron Mail

Subject:Enpower Position Manager
Date:Thu, 14 Dec 2000 05:12:00 -0800 (PST)


As you are all well aware, we must be flat in enpower and caps position
manager at the beginning and end of each shift. This is extremely important
for ourselves and other groups on the floor.
Since Friday, we have been flat in position manager only 2 out of 5 times at
8 in the morning the following day. On Monday, Risk could not run its
reports until AFTER noon. On Tuesday, we delayed the entire floor again.
And on Thursday, Risk ran its reports based on information from RT that we
were flat for the 13th. We were not flat and I did not know of the problem
until preschedulers brought it to the floors attention. This is not good.

Over the past week we have experienced numerous complex cuts and many members
of the group have put in long hours and worked diligently to try to balance
these cuts out. I recognize and appreciate this hard work. However, at the
end of the day we must be flat. If you have questions, it is your
responsibility to ask. I do not want to call group members back in after
their shift is over if we are not flat, but I will have little other choice
if this continues.
