Enron Mail

Subject:Fly Alaska and Earn Free Electronics
Date:Mon, 6 Nov 2000 14:04:00 -0800 (PST)


If you have flown or are planning on flying Alaska Airlines or Horizon Air
between October 1, 2000 and December 15, 2000 you could earn up to $1,500
in free electronics from etown.com, the premier online consumer
electronics source.


1) Sign up with a new MyAlaskaAir account at www.alaskaair.com before
December 15. A MyAlaskaAir account speeds you through alaskaair.com when
you want to book and purchase online. It allows you to securely and
conveniently store preference information such as favorite destinations,
seating choice, contact information, even your billing credit card if you
choose. It's free, takes only minutes, AND you'll earn 1,000 Mileage Plan
bonus miles just for signing up. Make sure you include your Alaska
Airlines Mileage Plan number to qualify for this promotion.

2) Fly Alaska Airlines or Horizon Air between October 1, 2000 and December
15, 2000 and earn Miles on your Mileage Plan account as you would
normally. It doesn't matter how you book or purchase your tickets (you
don't have to purchase online to qualify). Every segment you earn will
count toward your etown.com certificate award amount. The etown.com
certificates will be e-mailed to you in mid February.

Every round-trip you fly is at least two segments, so frequent flyers can
rack up free electronics fast. BUT REMEMBER, no matter how many Mileage
Plan flight miles you earn, you have to sign up with a new MyAlaskaAir
account (and include your Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan number) by December
15, 2000 to qualify!

This is how many dollars-off etown.com merchandise you can earn:

Alaska or Horizon Segments / etown.com credit

3-5 / $25
6-10 / $50
11-15 / $150
16-20 / $300
21-30 / $600
31+ / $1,500

So, get that MyAlaskaAir account, rack up Mileage Plan miles, and in
February you can shop for your dream electronics item. Go to
www.alaskaair.com for full details. Don't forget to visit www.etown.com
to start planning your purchase!


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