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ok i'm refaxing your picks - i didnt know you had two. i have attached a
link to a website that jason has set up for the tourney. you can follow your picks this way too. Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 10:48:16 -0800 From: "JASON WELLS" <jwells@nbsrealtors.com< To: "ANDY SISAVIC" <asisavic@nbsrealtors.com<, "BLAKE HERING, JR." <bhering@nbsrealtors.com<, "CHRIS HARTMAN" <chartman@nbsrealtors.com<, "CHRIS JOHNSON" <cjohnson@nbsrealtors.com<, "DOUG JONES" <djones@nbsrealtors.com<, "DEBBIE KLUG" <dklug@nbsrealtors.com<, "JEFF BORLAUG" <jborlaug@nbsrealtors.com<, "CLAYTON HERING" <jchering@nbsrealtors.com<, "JOE DECARLO" <jdecarlo@nbsrealtors.com<, "JOELLE HOHNSTEIN" <jhohnstein@nbsrealtors.com<, "JOE VAUGHAN" <jvaughan@nbsrealtors.com<, "JEFF VINGELEN" <jvingelen@nbsrealtors.com<, "JASON WELLS" <jwells@nbsrealtors.com<, "JOSEPH WOOD" <jwood@nbsrealtors.com<, "KEN GRIGGS" <kgriggs@nbsrealtors.com<, "KARA NELSON" <knelson@nbsrealtors.com<, "KEITH YOUNG" <kyoung@nbsrealtors.com<, "MOLLY BORDONARO" <mbordonaro@nbsrealtors.com<, "MARK FRIEL" <mfriel@nbsrealtors.com<, "MARYN LYTLE" <mlytle@nbsrealtors.com<, "MICHAEL MERINO" <mmerino@nbsrealtors.com<, "MICK SINNERUD" <msinnerud@nbsrealtors.com<, "MIKE THARP" <mtharp@nbsrealtors.com<, "MARK WINDER" <mwinder@nbsrealtors.com<, "RON SMITH" <rsmith@nbsrealtors.com<, "STACY HOLDEN" <sholden@nbsrealtors.com<, "TODD HARDING" <tharding@nbsrealtors.com<, "Maggie Reinerman" <Margaret_Reinerman@ord.uscourts.gov< Subject: NCAA Tournament Pool Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Disposition: inline Hello to all Pool Participants! If you are interested in keeping track of the tournament and how you are doing compared to other people, you can click on this link to see: http://www.dslnorthwest.net/~jfwells/ncaa/DEFAULT.HTM This is an automatic output from the software that we are using to keep track of the entries this year. Unfortunately, it does not show the Master Bracket, or Individual Brackets very well. If I have time this weekend I will customize that feature. You can see your score, the leader board, and find out how people picked individual teams to do. I will update the site as groups of games are completed. If a friend of your from outside of the company is playing in the pool, feel free to pass this along to them or send me their e-mail and I will include them in further messages. The Assistant Commish, Jason