Enron Mail

To:tim.heizenrader@enron.com, robert.anderson@enron.com, maria.houten@enron.com,lani.pennington@enron.com, cooper.richey@enron.com, julie.sarnowski@enron.com, stephen.swain@enron.com, murray.o'neil@enron.com, heather.dunton@enron.com, caroline.emmert@e
Subject:Get Your Blazers Tickets (See Instructions)
Date:Fri, 3 Nov 2000 00:26:00 -0800 (PST)

If you work in West Power Trading, congratulations! All West Power Trading
employees are eligible to receive a pair of tickets to a Blazers game this
season, compliments of Enron. If you are interested in getting a pair of
tickets to a Blazer game, come by Mt. Hood Conference Room at 11:30 a.m.,
Monday, November 6.

We will draw employee names from a hat (or container) to determine the order
of selection. Once the order of selection has been determined, there will be
a signup sheet with available games listed, and you can sign up for the date
that works best for you by signing your name next to the available date. If
your name is drawn, you will have one minute to write your date selection on
the signup sheet. Listed below are the dates available for selection, so
plan ahead and be ready to select from remaining dates once the selection
process begins. Greg Wolfe or Chris Foster will be there to oversee the
signup process since I will be in Houston for training Monday through
Wednesday next week.

Guidelines for using the tickets are as follows.
- Eligible employees can receive a pair of tickets.
- The employee who is given the tickets must attend the game.
- Tickets cannot be sold or given away.
- The guest can be a friend, spouse, or another Enron employee.
- If the employee cannot attend the game, the tickets must be returned to
me or Debra.
- Any complaints about this process or the guidelines will result in
forfeiture of tickets.

If you are going to be out of the office on Monday, November 6, please let me
or Debra know. Arrangements will be made for you to get a pair of tickets.
Call me or Debra if you have any questions.

Blazer Game Date Options (All games at 7 p.m. unless otherwise specified.)

Tuesday, November 7, Atlanta
Thursday, November 9, Denver
Saturday, November 11, Houston
Saturday, November 25, New Jersey
Tuesday, November 28, Seattle
Thursday, November 39, Dallas
Wednesday, December 6, Toronto
Friday, December 8, Philadelphia
Saturday, December 9, Detroit
Friday, December 15, Orlando
Saturday, December 23, Washington
Friday, December 29, Vancouver
Monday, January 1, Charlotte
Friday, January 5, Milwaukee
Tuesday, January 16, Cleveland
Saturday, January 20, Sacramento
Tuesday, January 30, Chicago (2:30 p.m.)
Thursday, February 1, Phoenix
Wednesday, February 7, Seattle
Tuesday, February 13, Minnesota
Saturday, February 17, Boston
Tuesday, February 20, Denver
Thursday, March 1, Los Angeles Clippers
Saturday, March 3, Oakland
Tuesday, March 6, Vancouver
Thursday, March 8, San Antonio (5:00 p.m.)
Wednesday, March 14, Phoenix
Monday, March 26, LA Clippers
Wednesday, March 28, Dallas
Friday, March 30, New York
Sunday, April 1, Minnesota (Noon)
Tuesday, April 10, Oakland
Friday, April 13, Houston
Tuesday, April 17, San Antonio