Enron Mail

Date:Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:10:00 -0800 (PST)


We have just received an order from the California Attorney General requiring
all employees (except legal, admin, and human resources staff) to take the
following steps immediately:

1. Save all e-mails, i.e., don't delete any e-mails.
2. Do not delete any information in databases.
3. Do not delete any word processing files or file fragments.
4. Do not delete any excel spreadsheets or calendars or scheduling
5. Any other electronic data not otherwise covered.

This request is being made in connection with the California AG's
investigation into electricity prices. We do not know how many other
companies have received a similar order, but there is no reason for us to
assume at this time that Enron has been singled out.

Over the next few days we will be working with our technology group to figure
out the most efficient way to manage this request. This is a serious matter
and we strongly urge every person affected by this request to cooperate fully
with this order. We appreciate your help with this and will keep you
apprised of any changes in policy.

Tim Belden and Chris Calger