Enron Mail |
Cc: diana.scholtes@enron.com, sean.crandall@enron.com
Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bcc: diana.scholtes@enron.com, sean.crandall@enron.com X-From: Cara Semperger X-To: Portland Shift, John M Forney, Donald Robinson, Mike Purcell X-cc: Diana Scholtes, Sean Crandall X-bcc: X-Folder: \mark guzman 6-28-02\Notes Folders\All documents X-Origin: GUZMAN-M X-FileName: mark guzman 6-28-02.nsf Now Idaho is going to deliver to us at John Day. This is per Chris at IPC. We are not using our Gray's Harbor or Franklin County Transmission on these paths. This was called into Marty@PRM. I have recorded them on Donald's sheet in the P:Scheduling/November/MidC_Nov_inPdrive, and also as "cuts" in the lotus dbase. Please still call everyone real time to confirm. All LLH on 11/14. Be prepared for confusion as this path has changed numerous times. The real path is IPC@SYS-IPC(T)SYS/JD-EPMI-PGE(T) JD/MALIN O#GF F-EPMI-PWX-ISO(T)MALIN/NP15-PWX-PWXSC@NP15. Cara ---------------------- Forwarded by Cara Semperger/PDX/ECT on 11/13/2000 04:45 PM --------------------------- Cara Semperger 11/13/2000 04:29 PM To: Portland Shift, John M Forney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald Robinson/PDX/ECT@ECT, Mike Purcell/PDX/ECT@ECT cc: Diana Scholtes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sean Crandall/PDX/ECT@ECT Subject: ADDITIONAL INFO !!! Curtailments at Lagrande** 2 schedules going real time for 11/14** The source is now LOLO. Everyone knows. Please call as described below. C ---------------------- Forwarded by Cara Semperger/PDX/ECT on 11/13/2000 04:27 PM --------------------------- Cara Semperger 11/13/2000 03:59 PM To: Portland Shift, Donald Robinson/PDX/ECT@ECT, John M Forney/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Diana Scholtes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sean Crandall/PDX/ECT@ECT Subject: Curtailments at Lagrande** 2 schedules going real time for 11/14** Mid C LLH, we have 2 schedules that are going real time due to curtailments at Lagrande 10 MW all LLH, IPC@ AMPS-EPMI-FCPD(T)BPA(T)HOTSPRINGS/JD O# 10043-EPMI-PGE(T)JD/MALIN O#GF-EPMI-PWX-PWXSC@NP15 15 MW all LLH, IPC@ AMPS-EPMI-GHPD(T)BPA(T)HOTSPRINGS/JD O# 96083-EPMI-PGE(T)JD/MALIN O#GF-EPMI-PWX-PWXSC@NP15 IPC knows, PGE trans knows, PRM said they would call it in to BPA, and PWX is going to call it in to CISO Please keep an eye on this and double check with BPA and PGE tranny to confirm when the time comes. Thanks, Cara