Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Holiday Plans
Date:Mon, 13 Nov 2000 10:18:00 -0800 (PST)

Hey dave. I have a night shift tonight so thats why I am not getting back
to you until now. Regarding Thanksgiving I have the 18th through the 23rd
off. It is one of those six day breaks i was telling you about. So this
saturday (18th) I am going to the Civil War (Uof O vs. OSU) footbal game. I
am way fired up about it. It should be a great time. Then on Sunday
afternoon I will be flying in to Orange County at 3:30pm and will be down
there through Thursday evening when I will be flying back home at 6:30.
Unfortunately I have to work the Friday after thanksgiving but at least I
will be able to spend thanksgiving day and most of the week with all of
you. I am going to be staying at my mothers house for the week. Maybe
Sunday evening we can all have dinner together or something after i get in.
Anyway looking forward to seeing all of you. I should be able to come down
again for Christmas as I have the 24th through the 29th off.

Hey, have fun at the game and keep an eye on the scoreboard and root for the
beavs! If we win and Washington loses we go to the Rose Bowl Take Care and
see you this weekend!