Enron Mail

Subject:The Singletary Family Adoption...
Date:Fri, 22 Dec 2000 02:44:00 -0800 (PST)

Thanks to everyone that helped us make the holidays brighter for the
Singletary family. They received many wonderful gifts! To name a few,
Gameboys, scooters, helmets, Pokemon toys, socks, underwear, pajamas,
clothes, food, candles, shampoo and conditioner, lotions, makeup, etc., etc.,

Jeffrey Oh and I delivered the gifts to our family last night. The kids were
very excited and happy to see so many gifts. They were a big help to get all
the gifts from the car to the house. The Mom was amazed at how much we had
done. She kept saying, "I never expected so much!" She asked for our
address so she can send a thank you note. Since she had recently separated
from her husband and lost her job due to illnesses, she was having a very
tough time this year. She asked us to thank you all. Thanks again to
everyone for your generousity! Best wishes, and hope your holidays are as
bright as theirs this year!