Enron Mail

Subject:5th Annual Profit from Merchant Plants Event
Date:Wed, 15 Nov 2000 06:34:00 -0800 (PST)

Dear Mark Haedicke,

I know what you are thinking, another junk email to add to your trash bin.=
But WAIT, before you click delete, I would like to urge you to read this=20
email. This email contains valuable information about CBI's 5th Annual Prof=
from Merchant Plants Event. Register by December 1st and Commercial Delegat=
Save $300. Please mention Your Priority Code of PB111EMB. Don't miss CBI's=
5th Annual Profit from Merchant Plants =01)Develop the Optimal Generation=
Portfolio and Extract Maximum Value from Your Assets on January 18-19, 2001=
in Houston, TX.=20

The conference provides a unique forum for networking with key=20
decision-makers and a platform for learning and information sharing. Hear=
from 23 market leaders, including Calpine Corporation, Cargill, Cinergy, Co=
Edison Energy, Dynegy Marketing and Trade, Enron North America Corp, Southe=
Energy Americas, Williams Energy Marketing and Trading Company, Federal=20
Energy Regulatory Commission, New York Independent System Operator, PJM=20
Interconnection LLC, Bank of America, California Independent Energy=20
Producers, Carnegie Mellon University, DAI Management Consultants Inc, FT=
Energy/RDI Consulting, Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy, NewEnergy Associates,=
Melveny & Myers LLP, Pace Global Energy Services, Power and Energy Analytic=
Resources Inc and Standard & Poors.? Also, benefit from an extended session=
on Managing the Assets to Extract Value =01) Link financial modeling and=20
operations; assess forward prices, forecast prices, and volatility; manage=
risk. Plus, choose from 2 pre-conference workshops =01) A) Valuing Assets t=
Develop an Efficient, Profitable Portfolio?=20

B) Financing Your Plant or Portfolio.

Please click on the conference link below and join your colleagues at an=20
event that could very well turn out to be one of the most informative=20
conferences of 2001.Send your whole team and save!!!!! ?Your organization m=
take advantage of our TEAM DISCOUNT by sending 1 executive FREEfor every 3=
delegates registered.? All registrations must be made at the same time to=

To register, or for more information, please call 781-939-2412, email=20
l.santillo@cbinet.com, or visit our website at=20

This is not to be combined with any other offer or discount and is for new=
registrations only.?


?We are an anti-spam organization.? To be removed from future mailings,=20
please REPLY to this message and type REMOVE in the subject line.


