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Dear Electric Power Industry Colleague:
March 23 is the last day to receive discounted early bird registration for = =20 the Electric Utility Consultants=01, "Ancillary Services" Conference and= =20 associated pre- and post-conference workshops to be held April 4-6, 2001 in= =20 Denver, Colorado. To view the conference program agenda please click=20 http://www.euci.com/Conferences/ascapr01.htm , and pre-conference workshop= =20 "Ancillary Services 101" click http://www.euci.com/Conferences/as101apr01.h= tm=20 , and post-conference workshop "Market Based Pricing for Ancillary Services= :=20 Market Design Choices, Consequences and Outcomes Workshop" click=20 http://www.euci.com/Conferences/mbpapr01.htm List of Other Upcoming Conferences and Workshops =20 What to Expect in Western Power Markets This Summer Conference =20 http://www.euci.com/Conferences/wewmay01.htm =20 and associated Workshop for this conference Modeling The WSCC Power Grid =20 http://www.euci.com/Conferences/mtwapr01.htm =20 ? =20 Short Courses =20 FERC Order 2000 & Emerging Market for Transmission Upgrades =20 =20 http://www.euci.com/Conferences/fo2kmay01.htm =20 Engineering and Planning for Aging T&D Infrastructures =20 =20 http://www.euci.com/Conferences/eapjun01.htm =20 What Generation Developers Need to Know about Transmission =20 =20 http://www.euci.com/Conferences/wgdjun01.htm ? =20 Transmission Grid Expansion and System Reliability Conferences Conference 1: Focus on Regulation (Regulatory, Legislative Update, and =20 Incentives for Transmission Grid Expansion and System Reliability http://www.euci.com/Conferences/formay01.htm =20 Conference 2: Focus on Pricing (Pricing and Incentives for Transmission Gr= id=20 Expansion and System Reliability) http://www.euci.com/Conferences/fopmay01.htm =20 Market Based Planning for Transmission Capacity Expansion =20 http://www.euci.com/Conferences/mbtmay01.htm =20 After you click any of these event titles, you will see links for program = =20 agenda, registration information, and online registration on the right hand= =20 column. Depending upon your browser and monitor, you may need to maximize= =20 the page to see these links. =20 If you would like further information concerning our conference proceedings= , =20 please visit our website at http://www.euci.com/proceedings.htm =20 Kindly forward this announcement to your colleagues who might benefit from = =20 attending these conferences/workshops/courses. Best Regards, L. Mrig Electric Utility Consultants, Inc. (EUCI) 5555 Preserve Drive Greenwood Village CO 80121 (303) 770-8800 Lmrig@euci.com Send us a note if you do not wish to receive these announcements.