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Because you are a registered CLEonline.com user, we would like to provide you with the following update about our online CLE seminars for March, as well as other notes of interest: * March Seminar Listing * Houston Bar CLE seminars on CLEonline.com!... * New this month: --< Identity Theft -- Strategies for the Information Age --< Appearing Before the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles - or - 'How to Deal with a Three-Headed Monster' --< Law Practice Management: How to Enhance Your Clients' Interests when Dealing with the Media --< The Rewards of Decency [2.0 ETHICS] --< Survival Training for Domestic Violence (NALS) --< Additional Ethical Issues Facing In-House Counsel [3.0 ETHICS] ********************************************************************* The following is a complete listing of all of our online CLE seminars that will be taking place on our Web site (www.CLEonline.com) during the month of March. We would ask that you please share this list with your colleagues and associates who may be interested in one or more of our online CLE seminars for this month. 1. Additional Ethical Issues Facing In-House Counsel [3.0 ETHICS] 2. Anticipating Will Contests and How to Avoid Them [3.0] 3. Appearing Before the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles - or - 'How to Deal with a Three-Headed Monster' [1.5] 4. Avoiding Malpractice Claims: Things to Do (and NOT Do) on the First Day You Represent a Client [1.0 ETHICS] 5. Confidentiality and Privileges in Electronic Communications [3.0 ETHICS (Audio included)] 6. Consumer Bankruptcy Law: Nuts & Bolts for the Non-Specialist [1.0] 7. Damages in Texas Insurance Litigation: Evaluating, Pleading, and Proving [1.0] 8. Deposition Issues and Strategies: Today and Into the 21st Century [3.0] 9. Dissecting the Web / E-Commerce Environment and Analyzing the Legal Issues [1.0] 10. Effective Negotiation and Mediation Advocacy [3.0] 11. Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession [1.0 ETHICS] 12. Estate Planning for Clients With Special Circumstances -- Lottery Players/Winners and Pet Owners [1.0] 13. Ethical Considerations in Estate Planning for Spouses [1.0 ETHICS] 14. Ethical Considerations in Mass Tort and Class Action Litigation in Texas [1.0 ETHICS] 15. Ethical Issues Arising From Using Experts in Litigation [1.0 ETHICS] 16. Ethical Issues and the Associate -- Or -- And You Thought Law School was Bad! [2.0 ETHICS] 17. Ethical Pot-Holes on the Information Highway and How to Avoid Them [1.0 ETHICS] 18. Ethical Risks and Responsibilities of Attorneys and Firms Prosecuting Patents for Different Clients in Related Technologies [1.0 ETHICS] 19. Family Law Update: What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You [Video included] [1.0] 20. How to Collect Child Support in Texas [3.0] 21. ICANN / WIPO Domain Name Disputes: Procedures And Analysis [1.0] 22. IP Litigation Issues: Trade Secrets, Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks [3.0] 23. Identity Theft -- Strategies for the Information Age [1.5] 24. Improve Your Legal Writing: Ten Plain-Language Tips [1.0] 25. Law Practice Management: How to Enhance Your Clients' Interests when Dealing with the Media [1.0] 26. Legal Ethics for Corporate and In-house Counsel [3.0 ETHICS (Audio included)] 27. Legal Writing: Meet the New Citation Manual [1.0] 28. Legal Writing: Ten Tips for Better Letters [1.0] 29. Legal Writing: Eight Tips for Successful Motions [1.0] 30. Legal Writing: Eleven Tips for Formal Agreements [1.0] 31. Litigating the Link Between Cellular Phones and Cancer [2.0] 32. Living Trusts =01. Making a Wise Decision [1.0] 33. Malpractice Avoidance for Probate Lawyers: Common Non-Tax Estate Planning Errors [1.0 ETHICS] 34. More Selected Ethical Issues Facing Texas Litigators [1.0 ETHICS] 35. Nobody's Bulletproof: Legal Ethics and Legal Malpractice Issues [3.0 ETHICS (Audio included)] 36. Offshore Trusts: Uses for Asset Protection Purposes [3.0] 37. Presuit Discovery and Discovery from Nonparties in Texas Litigation [1.0] 38. Privacy Issues in the Workplace: Internet Porn, E-mail, Chat Rooms and more [2.0] 39. Professionalism in Corporate Litigation: From Discovery Through Appeal [3.0 ETHICS] 40. Punitive Damages: Preparing Plaintiff's and Defendant's Case for the Punitive Damage Phase [3.0] 41. Selected Ethical Issues in Intellectual Property Licensing [1.0 ETHICS] 42. Selected Issues in Ethics for California Lawyers [2.0 ETHICS] 43. Selected Issues in Ethics for Texas Lawyers [3.0 ETHICS] 44. Substance Abuse and Depression: An Overview for Lawyers [1.0 ETHICS] 45. Summary of Texas Legal Malpractice Law [1.0 ETHICS (Video included)] [1.0] 46. Survival Training for Domestic Violence (For Legal Assistants and Legal Secretaries Only) 47. Texas Law of Eminent Domain [3.0] 48. Texas Real Estate Law - Recent Case Update [3.0] 49. The ABC's of Appellate Practice for California Litigators [1.0] 50. The Complete Internet Seminar for Lawyers [3.0] 51. The New World of Electronic Commerce: Business to Business (B2B) [Audio included] [1.0] 52. The Organizational Client: Attorney-Client Privilege and the No-Contact Rule [3.0 ETHICS] 53. The Rewards of Decency [2.0 ETHICS] 54. Weblaw: Legal Issues Involved with the Design and Hosting of Websites on the Internet [3.0] 55. Wills, Estates, and Trusts: Case Law Developments in Texas - 1999 [3.0] 56. Wills, Estates, and Trusts: Case Law Developments in Texas - 2000 [2.0] For more details on any of these seminars, please drop by our site: http://www.CLEonline.com You can easily register online for any of these seminars at any time of day or night using our secure online registration system. All of these seminars are available through the last day of this month. ********************************************************************* HOUSTON BAR CLE SEMINARS ON CLEONLINE.COM!... We are very pleased this month to announce that CLEonline.com and the Houston Bar Association (HBA) have entered into an agreement to bring a number of their CLE seminars online via our Web site. Two of these new HBA seminars are available this month, and many more will be offered on our site in the months to come. The Houston Bar produces a large number of excellent CLE programs each year on a wide variety of subjects. Through this new agreement, we will now be able to bring many of these HBA seminars online and make them available to all CLEonline.com users. These seminars will feature streaming video from the live HBA seminars as well as the written materials. If you are a member of a Bar association or other law-related group that sponsors CLE seminars and your organization would be interested in bringing your CLE seminars online just like the Houston Bar Association, we would be delighted to talk with you and your group. This is a great way to extend the reach of your association's CLE seminars and create a new source of revenue for your Bar association with no additional costs. If your organization would be interested in taking advantage of this, please give us a call at 1-800-522-7566, and we can provide you with all the details. ********************************************************************* NEW SEMINARS FOR THIS MONTH... The following are brief descriptions of our new seminars for this month. Full details on each are available on our Web site: --< Identity Theft -- Strategies for the Information Age This is the first of the new HBA seminars being offered and this is a topic of growing interest for all attorneys and their clients. This seminar will address what identity theft is, how thieves can get personal information about you or your clients, how this information can be misused, and the statutory responses available. You can watch and listen to the same program that the HBA presented on this topic earlier this year. Scott Durfee of the Harris County DA's Office will serve as the moderator. This seminar is accredited for 1.5 hours of CLE. --< Appearing Before the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles - or - 'How to Deal with a Three-Headed Monster' Another of the new HBA seminars being offered this month is this new criminal law program. This seminar will provide attorneys with procedural information from the parole revocation hearing through the parole process in Texas. You can watch and listen to the same program that the HBA presented on this topic earlier this year. James Randall Smith, who is a Houston practitioner who focuses on representing clients in the parole process, will serve as moderator. This seminar is accredited for 1.5 hours of CLE. --< Law Practice Management: How to Enhance Your Clients' Interests when Dealing with the Media Together with another of our CLE seminar partners, the Center for Continuing Education (CCE) in California, we are pleased to present this new online CLE seminar on dealing with the media. This seminar will review and discuss issues in dealing with the media that all lawyers may face from time to time in representing their clients. It features the streaming audio from a live CLE seminar on this topic that was originally conducted in California by CCE that features Monica Bay (Editor-in-Chief of American Lawyer Media's Law Technology News) and Martha Sullivan (of LegalVoice.com). This seminar is accredited for 1.0 hour of CLE credit. --< The Rewards of Decency [2.0 ETHICS] Together with Live Oak CLE (another of our regular CLE provider partners), this new 2-hour ethics seminar deals with the subject of 'professionalism' in the legal profession. This seminar features streaming audio from a live CLE seminar on this topic that was originally conducted by Live Oak CLE in December. One of the panelists from the live seminar, Ruth Kollman, Esq. of Dallas, will serve as the moderator for this new online seminar. This seminar is accredited for 2.0 hours of CLE credit, all in legal ethics. --< Survival Training for Domestic Violence (NALS) NALS (a provider of CLE for legal assistants and legal secretaries) is providing this new online seminar on domestic violence. This seminar features streaming audio of a live presentation on this topic that was presented at a NALS educational conference. This seminar is allowed 1.0 hour of CLE credit for members of NALS. Dianna C. Roberts of NALS will serve as the moderator for this seminar. (NOTE: This seminar is NOT accredited for CLE for attorneys.) --< Additional Ethical Issues Facing In-House Counsel [3.0 ETHICS] In another in his excellent series of online CLE ethics seminars, David Hricik, Esq. of Austin has prepared this new legal ethics seminar designed to review a variety of legal ethics issues facing attorneys who practice as in-house counsel. This seminar is accredited for 3.0 hours of CLE credit, all in the area of legal ethics. ********************************************************************* Thanks again for your continued interest in and support of CLEonline.com. We greatly value you as a registered user of our service, and we would very much appreciate it if you could please spread the word about our award-winning CLE site to other attorneys in your firm, company or local area. Best Regards, Mike De La Rosa, Esq. _______ Michael De La Rosa, CEO ------------------------------------ Voice: (512) 310-9618 FAX: (512) 310-1720 CLEonline.com P.O. Box 1897 Round Rock, TX 78680-1897 ...delivering CLE to YOUR desktop! mdelarosa@CLEonline.com http://www.CLEonline.com ------------------------------------