Enron Mail

To:raymond.bowen@enron.com, david.delainey@enron.com, mark.frevert@enron.com,louise.kitchen@enron.com, john.lavorato@enron.com, mike.mcconnell@enron.com, jeffrey.mcmahon@enron.com, michael.miller@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com, john.sherriff@enr
Subject:Chinese Wall Resource Group
Date:Mon, 31 Dec 1979 16:00:00 -0800 (PST)

You have been designated as a member of the =01&Resource Group=018 for pur=
poses of=20
the Enron Wholesale Services (=01&EWS=018) Chinese Wall policy, which is cu=
being revised to reflect the new EWS organizational structure.

The Chinese Wall policy serves to reduce the risk of insider trading=20
liability by keeping material non-public information =01&walled off=018 fro=
m our=20
equity trading personnel. The Resource Group acts as a sort of =01&filter=
=018 so=20
that certain information may pass through the "wall", under appropriate=20
controls. It is critical that we enforce proper compliance with the Chines=
Wall policy. Without this policy, Enron would not be able to engage in=20
equity trading activities.

Early next year, the ENA Legal Department will conduct training sessions o=
Chinese Wall policies and procedures for our equity traders, Resource Group=
members, and other appropriate employees. A larger group of employees will=
receive the newly revised policies and procedures and be asked to certify=
compliance. In the meantime, please feel free to call Lance Schuler at=20
35419, Bob Bruce at 57780, or me at 36544 should you have any questions=20
concerning the policy or the role of the Resource Group.