Enron Mail

To:greg.haynes@commerzbankib.com, gu1@ffwlaw.com, gurjinder.bassi@msdw.com,guy.dempsey@barclayscapital.com, habib.motani@cliffordchance.com, hallsd@rbos.co.uk, hansec@tdusa.com, heasleyt@anz.com, hendersonsk@nortonrose.com, henning.gravlev@ib.bankgesells
Subject:FW: Restructuring Meeting in London (Part4)
Date:Fri, 1 Dec 2000 03:25:00 -0800 (PST)

There were a number of problems with the below email. As a result, I am
sending it out again to smaller groups of people. If you received the
original email then please ignore this one.

Please let me know if you have problems with the attached word document.

Ms. Barbara Hanlon
Assistant to General Counsel
International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc.
600 Fifth Avenue, 27th Floor
Rockefeller Center
New York, New York 10020-2302
Phone: (212) 332-1200
Fax: (212) 332-1212

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Barbara Hanlon
< Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 4:00 PM
< Cc: Michelle Hitchcock; Camille Irens; Kimberly Summe; Robert Pickel
< Subject: Restructuring Meeting in London
< We understand that the London portion of the Restructuring Meeting
< on November 13 was not as comprehensive as members would have preferred,
< partly as a result of logistical difficulties. I will be in London from
< December 13th - 15th and would like to have a meeting in London on
< December 14 from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. at UBS Warburg's offices at 100
< Liverpool Street to hear the views of our London members on the
< Restructuring issue and to report on any subsequent developments. If you
< would like to attend this meeting, please send an email to Barbara Hanlon
< at bhanlon@isda.org.
< We have attached a copy of the minutes of the November 13 meeting.
< Robert Pickel
< General Counsel
< International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc.
< 600 Fifth Avenue, 27th Floor
< Rockefeller Center
< New York, New York 10020-2302
< Phone: (212) 332-1200
< Fax: (212) 332-1212
< http://www.isda.org
< <<Minutes on Restructuring Meeting.doc<<

- Minutes on Restructuring Meeting.doc