Enron Mail

To:alan.aronowitz@enron.com, mark.haedicke@enron.com
Subject:First Gas -- Siemens Fuel Specs
Date:Tue, 14 Nov 2000 09:46:00 -0800 (PST)

I have been meaning to let both of you know the status on this matter. There
have been no more calls for additional meetings w/ McConnell.

The last cargo delivered went in with no problems. We had some doubts that
(i) the tanks would hold all of the barrels because the plant had not been
running as scheduled, and (ii) that the testing would turn out to be on
spec. As it turned out, the cargo tested on spec, and was discharged without
any demurrage. ECTRS even made some money on the deal (not a lot, but

And the attached is the latest on our efforts to get the specs issues
addressed by Siemens.

Assistant General Counsel, Enron North America Corp.
713-853-1794 (Fax: 713-646-4842)
----- Forwarded by Janice R Moore/HOU/ECT on 11/14/2000 05:38 PM -----

Michael L Brown@ENRON
11/14/2000 05:32 PM

cc: John L Nowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janice R Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, David A
Subject: Siemens Fuel Specs

See note below fyi.
---------------------- Forwarded by Michael L Brown/Corp/Enron on 11/14/2000
05:35 PM ---------------------------

Michael L Brown
11/14/2000 05:27 PM
To: jonrusse@skyinet.net
cc: RBTantoco@firstgas.com.ph, Victor

Subject: Siemens Fuel Specs

Based on a telecon this morning with Victor Santos, it is my
understanding that you are quite upset because we have contacted Siemens
directly to discuss certain liquid fuels specifications. If correct, I find
this reaction to be puzzling as you and I had previously discussed the fact
that I would attempt to establish a dialogue with Siemens for the purpose of
expediting their positive response to the ECTRS request of September 12,
2000. We also understand that you believe the person identified for us to
contact at Siemens may have a negative bias towards FGPC and that our direct
approach is likely to be counterproductive. Although we have spoken with
the Siemens-Westinghouse representative in Houston, we have yet to establish
a dialogue with the Siemens person referred to above.
More than two months have passed since our original written (urgent)
request to FGPC and the status of this request within the Siemens
organization is unclear. As of today we remain uncertain about whether the
appropriate contacts within Siemens beyond Mr Kirschen have been made by
anyone. Our impression from talking with the Siemens-Westinghouse Houston
representative is that the ECTRS request has not yet been seen by anyone in
Our objective is to resolve the ECTRS request in a positive fashion and
as soon as practicable. In keeping with this objective, we are willing to be
flexible in our approach and would welcome your ideas. Please bear in mind
that an affirmative response from Siemens would also have a beneficial effect
for FGPC because ECTRS could then deliver from a wider pool of high quality
condensates. Perhaps we could have a conference call between you, Ricky,
David and me at noon Thursday Manila time? The primary purpose of this
conference call would be to clarify your opinion on how best to approach
Siemens and to discuss any other areas that may be of concern to FGPC.