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FERCw [IMAGE]tch? ?Issued?April?4,?2001 ? ELECTRIC?/ HYDRO?Report: ? Public Service Company of New Mexico, ER01-1677--000 (03/30/01) -- Amendments to Open Access Transmission Tariff to incorporate procedures PNM will employ with respect to requests to interconnect new generators with PNM's system or to increase the capacity for existing interconnections. VIEW DOCUMENT REQUEST A COPY: ?grs4ferc@starpower.net. ? Consumers Energy Company and Michigan Electric Transmission Company, ER01-1683-000 and EC01-83--000 (03/30/01) -- Notification of consummation of transactions authorizing the transfer of Consumers jurisdictional transmission assets to the Michigan Transco in compliance with FERC's January 10, 2001 order in EC01-4-000 and ER01-414-000.? Includes Operating Agreement between Michigan Transco and Consumers and other documents relative to transfer. VIEW DOCUMENT REQUEST A COPY: ?grs4ferc@starpower.net. ? Portland General Electric Company, ER01-1685-000 (04/02/01) -- Amendments to Open Access Transmission Tariff prescribing the procedures PGE will employ with respect to requests to interconnect new generators with the PGE system or to increase the capacity for existing interconnections. VIEW DOCUMENT REQUEST A COPY: ?grs4ferc@starpower.net. <? California Independent System Operator, ER01-1691-000; Pacific Gas and Electric Company, ER01-1696-000; San Diego Gas & Electric Company, ER01-1686-000; Southern California Edison Company (Docket Unassigned)?(04/02/01) -- Amendment No. 39 to ISO tariff in compliance with FERC's December 15, 2000 Order Directing Remedies for California Wholesale Markets, 93 FERC ?61,294, directing the ISO to file generation interconnection procedures by April 2, 2001 and the California Investor-Owned Utilities to file "IPs that are compatible with those developed by the ISO." VIEW CAISO DOCUMENT VIEW PG&E DOCUMENT VIEW SDG&E DOCUMENT REQUEST A COPY: ?grs4ferc@starpower.net. ? Cambridge Electric Light Company, ER01-1695-000 (04/02/01) -- Standard Form of Interconnection Agreement to govern the rights and responsibilities of Cambridge and new generators with regard to?the addition of new generation to Cambridge's transmission system. VIEW DOCUMENT REQUEST A COPY: ?grs4ferc@starpower.net. ? Boston Edison?Company, ER01-1705-000 (04/02/01) -- Standard Form of Interconnection Agreement to govern the rights and responsibilities of BECO and new generators with regard to?the addition of new generation to BECO's transmission system. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: ?grs4ferc@starpower.net. ? PJM Interconnection LLC, ER01-1717-000 (04/02/01) -- Amendments to the PJM Open Access Transmission Tariff and Operating Agreement to modify provisions regarding compliance with PJM's creditworthiness standards and for termination of service by PJM in the event of customer default and failure to cure upon notice. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: ?grs4ferc@starpower.net. ? Delano Energy Company, Inc., Mountaiview Power Co., L.L.C., Riverside Canal Power Company and AES Ecotek Holdings, L.L.C., EC01-86-000 (04/03/01) -- Joint application to transfer control over jurisdicitional assets of Delano, Mountainview and Riverside to AES Ecotek pursuant to a Stock Purchase Agreement between AES Ecotek and Thermo Electron Corporation, parent company of the operating companies. DOCUMENT LINK NOT?AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: ?grs4ferc@starpower.net. ? ? _________________________________________________________ ______________________________ ? NATURAL GAS / OIL?Report: ? Colorado Interstate Gas Company, RP01-350-000 (03/30/01) -- Section 4 general rate filing for an increase in revenues from CIG's jurisdictional transmission and storage customers of approximately $9.4 million per year. VIEW DOCUMENT REQUEST A COPY: ?grs4ferc@starpower.net. ? PG&E Gas Transmission, Northwest Corporation, CP01-141-000 (04/02/01) -- 2002 Pipeline Expansion Project to allow the transmission of more than 207,000 Mcf per day of additional gas into the Pacific Northwest and California marketplace. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: ?grs4ferc@starpower.net. ________________________________________ ? [To request a copy of any of the above listed? filings, please call 202-255-4771 or toll-free, 1-877-544-4771; or send an e-mail to?grs4ferc@starpower.net)] ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? ? GRS' FERCwatch e-mail notification is a free courtesy service of Gadsden Research Services, energy research and document retrieval specialists.? Periodically (generally once or twice weekly), GRS will broadcast FERCwatch with descriptions of?major FERC issuances or filings such as rulemakings, policy statements, mergers,?new rate filings, major?rate changes, and certificate filings. ? GRS can provide hardcopies?of any of the above listed items at nominal charges;?for document requests or estimates of charges, please reply to?grs4ferc@starpower.net?or call 202.255.4771 (toll free, 1.877.544.4771). ? For an e-mailed?copy of?a brochure?of GRS services and rates for FERC and other federal agency research please e-mail your request to grs4ferc@starpower.net.? For a mailed copy, please include your name, firm name and street address.? For?a faxed copy, please include your fax number. ? The FERCwatch subscription list is used for the sole purpose of providing information on FERC and energy industry activity and will not be sold or otherwise distributed to any other business or organization.? For additions or removal from the FERCwatch notification list, please reply to?grs4ferc@starpower.net. ? Send suggestions on how the GRS' FERCwatch can better serve the?energy community to?grs4ferc@starpower.net. - clip_image002.gif