Enron Mail

To:azam.mistry@hsbc.com, damian.kissane@db.com, genova_diane@jpmorgan.com,douglas.bongartz-renaud@nl.abnamro.com, ernest.patrikis@aig.com, frederic.janbon@bnpparibas.com, george.james@msdw.com, henning.bruttel@dresdner-bank.com, jerry.delmissier@barcla
Subject:ISDA Collateral Seminar in Seoul
Date:Mon, 4 Jun 2001 04:18:00 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Board Members -
Please find attached, for your information, an invitation to a Collateral
Seminar scheduled to take place on Thursday, 21 June in Seoul. The Korea
Banking Institute has kindly agreed to host and assist us in promoting the
event in Seoul.

To ensure that your appropriate colleagues and clients are able to benefit
from this effort we would like to encourage you to either forward us the
details of contacts that you feel we should usefully invite - or
alternatively, please feel free to forward notification of this invitation
to appropriate individuals directly.

In addition to ISDA's contacts in Korea, the invitation has been send to all
members registered on ISDA's Asia-Pacific Committees as well as all Primary
& Regional Contacts in the Asia-Pacific region.

Should you have any queries on the attached, please contact either Nellie
Lim or myself.

With best regards,
Angela Papesch

Angela Papesch
Head of Asia-Pacific Office
ISDA - International Swaps & Derivatives Association, Inc.
1 Robinson Road - #18-00 AIA Tower - Singapore 048542
Tel: +65 538 3879 - Fax: +65 538 6942
e-mail: apapesch@isda.org - http://www.isda.org

- Invite & Agenda-1 Jun 01.tif