Enron Mail

Subject:Money, politics and Enron
Date:Fri, 11 Aug 2000 02:13:00 -0700 (PDT)

----- Forwarded by Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT on 08/11/2000 09:13 AM -----

Sent by: Enron Announcements@ENRON
08/10/2000 05:59 PM

To: All Enron Worldwide
Subject: Money, politics and Enron

Check out eBiz for the scoop on Enron's involvement in U.S. Election 2000.
Get the answers to your questions about the Enron PAC and Enron's corporate
political contributions!

Also in the current issue of eBiz:

Enron teams up with the largest energy consumer on the face of the planet
What's happening in the PGE/Sierra-Pacific sale
See where Houston ranked in a national construction survey
What Enron has to do with blues music

It's all in the latest eBiz. Go to home.enron.com, click Publications, then
click eBiz, and "eBiz August 11, 2000."