Enron Mail

Subject:Natural gas - fuel of the 21st century
Date:Thu, 7 Jun 2001 16:57:00 -0700 (PDT)

Natural gas - fuel of the 21st century
According to a recent speech by Spencer Abraham, the new US Secretary for=
energy, by 2020, Americans will consume 62 percent more natural gas than th=
do today; and more than nine out of 10 of the announced new electric=20
generating plants will fired by natural gas.
Organized by the Utility Forum, Australia=01,s premium independent media=20
solution provider to the utilities industry, National Gas Conference brings=
you the key players and experts in today=01,s gas industry.

5th Annual National Gas Conference
Forms one stream of the UTILICON Convention
24-26 July 2001
Melbourne Convention Centre
Melbourne, Australia
Register online today for the most significant on-shore gas event in=20
Australia this year @=20

Featuring international keynote speakers
Dr Amory Lovins, Chief Executive, Rocky Mountain Institute, USA
Dr Peter Wilton, Stanford University=01,s Graduate School of Business, USA

Plus senior executives from key regulators and national players
ACCC, NCC, Woodside Energy, Enron Australia, Epic Energy, Duke Energy=20
International, Integral Energy, NT Department of Mines and Energy, Aurora=
Energy, Victorian Gas Contestability Steering Committee, VENCorp, and more=

Debate on sustainable development
Australia is blessed with abundant in natural gas reserves, but how to most=
effectively use them for the best of national interest? Be proactive! Com=
and join in the debate on supply options and on how to develop a sustainabl=
plan for gas exploration and development in Australia.

Understand competition reform and risk management
The price for ignoring the volatility of the increasing competitive energy=
markets can be high. Find out how is competition reshaping the gas=20
distribution and retail markets in Australia, and how to implement risk=20
management and trading to fortify your position.

National Gas more than just one conference
Being co-located with 2 other leading utilities conferences National Power=
and National Water, you are treated to a plenary cross the 3 industries, an=
you are welcomed to move among the conferences and streams. This is your=
chance to network and share information with senior executives across the=
emerging and dynamic utilities industry. There will also be a free utility=
B2B exhibition alongside the conferences, focusing on renovation and=20

For more information, feel free to contact me on
Tel:+ 61 2 9210 5777

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