Enron Mail

Subject:North American Energy and Power Committee Meeting: invitation dr
Date:Tue, 19 Sep 2000 06:18:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Mark E Haedicke
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I have responded below. Also, my title is Managing Director and General
Counsel of Enron Wholesale Markets. I would add a bullet " comparison of
masters in use in North America." Mark
----- Forwarded by Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT on 09/19/2000 01:15 PM -----

Ruth Ainslie <RAinslie@isda.org<
09/19/2000 12:34 PM

To: Mark Haedicke <Mark.E.Haedicke@enron.com<
cc: Mary Cunningham <MCUNNINGHAM@isda.org<, Robert Pickel <RPICKEL@isda.org<
Subject: North American Energy and Power Committee Meeting: invitation dr
aft and questions


Bob, Mary and I have been discussing a variety of issues and need
your input before sending out the invitation, which we should do soon.
Please advise on the following:

1. We continue to feel the name of the committee
(including Power) is not sufficiently expansive to accommodate the growing
markets involving energy and other new derivatives. We were considering
something like Energy and Developing Derivative Markets? We thought the old
name Commodities had a traditional rather than a forward-looking sound to
it. What are your thoughts? I like Energy/Emerging Markets Committee or
Energy and Emerging Markets Committee.

2. As we discussed a couple of weeks ago, invites
should go to US companies and non-US companies with a US presence in the
energy/commodity markets. Non-members should be invited as in London. We
told people at the London meeting about the Houston meeting so they are on
notice. Also, if there are minutes of that meeting produced soon they will
probably refer to the meeting so there may be no need to invite them.
Individual call-ins should be discouraged, but we might consider giving
people an opportunity to gather at ISDA NY and plug a small group in from
there. It's unlikely we will get many people from NY to go to Houston just
for this meeting. I am ok with plugging people in from NYC so long as we
know exactly who we are plugging in.

3. When you suggested Enron as the venue, were you
offering a conference room or should we be considering the Doubletree or
somewhere else? . Did we ever settle hours, etc. and whether there should
be some kind of "social event" afterwards and for whom? All of this is
obviously intended to increase the profile/activity of the committee;
highlight the upcoming conference; focus on the issues that are not as
significant to the European committee. Should we agree to a general social
event, we'll include in the attached draft invitation. I am ok having a
social event, but wonder if we shouldn't see how this meeting goes and plan
next time accordingly. Please schedule a room at the Doubletree. I would
suggest 3:30 and plan on a two hours meeting.

4. Attached is a draft invitation. Please
comment on the text, etc. Would you prefer to be the signatory? No
<<Energy Agenda Draft.doc<<

I look forward to your thoughts.
Many thanks, Ruth

- Energy Agenda Draft.doc