Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Conference Calls
Date:Tue, 29 May 2001 11:33:00 -0700 (PDT)

Please set a meeting for Mark Taylor and me wih ISDA. Mark
----- Forwarded by Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT on 05/29/2001 06:32 PM -----

Ruth Ainslie <RAinslie@isda.org<
05/24/2001 07:42 PM

To: Mark Haedicke <Mark.E.Haedicke@enron.com<, Stacy Carey <SCAREY@ISDA.ORG<
cc: Ruth Ainslie <RAinslie@isda.org<
Subject: RE: Conference Calls

Mark - thanks and thank you for Mark Taylor's London Conference draft
agenda as well.

All of your topics sound appropriate and significant. Clearly, this is an
ambitious agenda, which I assume contemplates a series of meetings over the
next months. Also, the issue of updating the 1993 Commodity Definitions
comes up from time to time and we'd like to hear your thoughts re taking on
this very large project.

We had talked about meetings every two months - should they be more

We'd much like to have a very brief call to discuss all this further next
week and to schedule the next meeting. Could you suggest a 15-30 minute
period that works for you?

Regards, Ruth

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark.E.Haedicke@enron.com
Cc: rainslie@isda.org
Sent: 5/24/01 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: Conference Calls

Stacy and Ruth:

I propose the following agenda for the NA energy committee:

1. convergence of commodity forms -- need to build a team to pursue
2. California energy issues/solutions
3. standardized provisions for master energy contracts -- setoff,
termination, etc.
4. bankruptcy
5. CFTC study of retail derivatives
6. emerging market forms for paper, steel, etc.

Mark Taylor will send a list of proposed topics for the European
conference. Let me know what you think.


Mark Haedicke

Stacy Carey

<SCAREY@ISDA. To: Mark Haedicke
ORG< cc: Ruth Ainslie
Subject: Conference Calls


11:36 AM

Hello Mark -- given our e-mail traffic the last couple of days I wanted
quickly summarize our thoughts on next steps:

1. Conference call - Mark, Ruth and Stacy re: agenda for NA Energy
2. Conference call - Mark, Ruth, Stacy, Christophe, Katia, John re:
coordination of committee activities and agenda for December conference

Depending upon your schedule, we hope to try to get these calls
either this week or early next week.

Many thanks! -- Stacy

-----Original Message-----
From: Stacy Carey
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 3:57 PM
To: Mark Haedicke
Subject: European Energy Committee Meeting

Hello Mark -- The European Energy Committee meeting was held in London
today. The attached documents, including the agenda, a memo on the
agreement, and a copy of the Bridge agreement, were reviewed at this
morning's meeting.

Much of the discussion focused on explanation of the Bridge Agreement.
was some discussion about the German regulatory structure and the bridge
agreement. Katia ran through the agenda in Houston and asked for ideas
December conference. I was not able to hear all of the questions
but questions were asked about the outcome of the meeting. Katia and
Christophe explained that it was a forum to exchange ideas and to
use of ISDA within industry. The minutes should give us more detail.

In addition to a call re: the NA agenda, I think it would be worthwhile
also have a call w/Christophe, Katia and John Berry to discuss European
activities and to begin discussion on the December agenda. ISDA should
to focus on an agenda as soon as possible so that we assure December's
conference is as productive as the Houston conference. Thanks!

Stacy Carey
Policy Director
International Swaps and Derivatives Association
600 5th Avenue, 27th Floor
Rockefeller Center
New York, NY 10020
(212) 332-1202 ph
(212) 332-1212 fax
(917) 543-9622 cell